Friday Favorites: Jason Bourgeois

Louisville Bats
The Bats Signal
Published in
5 min readMay 30, 2014

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Ben Tompkins was joined by Jason Bourgeois in this week's edition of #FridayFavorites. (Pat Pfister/

Ben Tompkins was joined by Jason Bourgeois in this week’s edition of #FridayFavorites. (Pat Pfister/[/caption]

Louisville, it’s Friday, you know what that means — I’m back with another edition of #FridayFavorites. Joining me this week is Louisville Bats outfielder Jason Bourgeois, a first-year guy with the team but a seasoned veteran amongst the ranks. Farmer Bourg and I had a lot of fun choppin’ it up, so we hope you’ll get a few laughs out and crack a smile as you listen or read along.

So you know how this goes, you can either listen to the segment here on SoundCloud, or because I’m a man of the people and always thinking about our fans first, I’ve transcribed the interview below for your convenience.

If you like this week’s edition and maybe you’ve missed the last two #FridayFavorites with Josh Fellhauer and Chad Rogers, be sure to give them a read or listen. And if you have a player that you want to see one of these done with, hit me on Twitter @bennytomp18.

Ben Tompkins (BT): So I like to always start with story time, you’ve been in the game for a while so I’m sure you’ve had some fun times going out with teammates and friends — What’s your favorite story going out with the crew?

Jason Bourgeois (JB): I would have to say winning the A-ball championship in the Florida State league. It was in Lakeland, Fla., we battled tough, and we just absolutely destroyed the clubhouse. Chairs, tables — It was like a rock band came through there and it was pretty hilarious but we had to pay a fine. *Laughing* They took it out of the last check they were going to send home to us.

BT: How much did they make you pay if you don’t mind my asking?

JB: It was like $25 each person, but when you think about 25 guys, that’s quite a bit of damage.

BT: What were you all poppin’ in there, what was going around?

JB: Bottles, chairs, champagne, and then once we drank that we switched to beers. I mean, it was a lot of fun and after a long season to do that, we kind of took it overboard, though.

BT: What’s your favorite song to play if you’re going out; you’re getting crunk — What’s bumpin’ on the playlist?

JB: Right now?

BT: Right now or it could just be an all-time favorite.

JB: Probably Swagger Like Mine by T.I.

BT: That’s a throwback.

JB: Yeah man, but that song, it doesn’t matter what type of mood I’m in, I’m always looking to put on my button up and look good and go out.

BT: Looking good, feeling good?

JB: You got it *laughing*

BT: What’s your favorite city you’ve ever played in?

JB: Chicago. Chicago in the summertime man it’s just crowded enough, great places to eat, the weather is nice, there’s a buzz there in both ballparks, but Chicago is definitely my favorite.

BT: Good city, good women, good shopping, right?

JB: Oh no doubt, no doubt.

BT: What’s your favorite spot to hit in Louisville if you’re going out?

JB: Actually for me, Wild Eggs. I pretty much go there every day. It’s cool, it’s nice, the people there are awesome — they probably know my name by now.

BT: What’s your favorite decade of rap?

JB: Oh man, probably the late ’90s early ’00s; that’s when I started understanding it a little better. I graduated high school in 2000 and that’s when Jay-Z started to come into form, Cash Money started to come up, Snoop was at an all-time high, so I was just getting a little bit of everything.

BT: What’s your favorite pair of shoes you’re rocking right now?

JB: Right now it would have to be these Kobe’s, and I’m not a Kobe fan let me say that, but his shoes are very comfortable.

BT: They come with a disclaimer, you don’t like Kobe?

JB: Ahh, I have to say that because I’m Houston Rockets all day, every day.

BT: Okay — Godfather, Scarface, American Gangster — Which one are you watching?

JB: American Gangster, Denzel hands down.

BT: You like Frank?

JB: Frank Lucas baby, the truth.

BT: Alright — You own a farm, you’ve got animals, you’ve got pigs and cows — What’s your farmer name?

JB: Hahaha, farmer name… Golly. Farmer Bourg I guess, Farmer Bourg.

BT: *laughing* Alrighty, Farmer Bourg. If you didn’t play baseball, what would you be playing?

JB: Probably tennis.

BT: And last question, this is how I like to end these; it’s kind of a way for inadvertently me to gain advice from some of these guys you know, you’ve traveled and you’ve seen a lot of things so you’ve got a pretty good perspective. What’s your favorite piece of advice or a mantra that someone passed along to you that sticks with you to this day?

JB: Man, there’s so many — Probably keep on pushing. The game of baseball is steady, more downs than ups. It’s the only sport that hitting 30 percent of the time is a good average. No other sport is like that so you’re constantly failing to succeed and you’ve just got to keep going, strap it up and keep on pushing.

BT: Well Jason, I appreciate you sitting down, I think this went pretty well.

JB: Yeah it did man, I had a great time, I really appreciate this.

BT: Well good, continued success in all you do brother.

Louisville, I’ll be back next week. Like I said, if you’ve got a player you want to see one of these done with just let me know — Tweet me @bennytomp18 or @louisvillebats. From the heart of beautiful downtown Louisville and Louisville Slugger Field, I’m Ben Tompkins. I’ll talk to you next week.

Ben Tompkins is a media relations intern for the Louisville Bats. You can follow him on Twitter @bennytomp18 and on Instagram @bennythekid01.



Louisville Bats
The Bats Signal

Triple-A affiliate of the Cincinnati @Reds. We don't make baseball bats, we make baseball fans.