Friday Favorites: Josh Fellhauer

Louisville Bats
The Bats Signal
Published in
6 min readMay 11, 2014

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(Pat Pfister) Josh Fellhauer joined Ben Tompkins for the first edition of Friday Favorites

(Pat Pfister)
Josh Fellhauer joined Ben Tompkins for the first edition of Friday Favorites[/caption]

Recently I sat down with Bats outfielder Josh Fellhauer, @The_Felly_3 on Twitter, and ran my first edition of many to come, I call these Friday Favorites.

Every Friday I’ll grab a new player and rattle off nine or ten questions; the format is a recorded interview that I transcribed in a conversational tone to allow a flow that demonstrates the whole point of these segments, a fun-spirited talk amongst two dudes just sharing stories and chopping it up on the mic.

If you’ve ever heard the segment SVP and Russillo do called “What” or watched one of their mailbag videos (which I strongly encourage you do if you haven’t), you’ll appreciate Friday Favorites. So follow along the rest of the season and get to know the guys that call Louisville their summer home.

Ben Tompkins (BT): I’m joined today by Josh Fellhauer, a relatively fresh face to the Bats, this is your second year with the team.. Uhh two nights ago we got to see your first pair of singles and RBI recorded and when you walked up to the plate to My Moment by Meek Mill and 2 Chainz, that’s when I knew who I wanted to be the first to have on for Friday Favorites. This is a new segment I’m doing so I’ve got a list of questions and if you’ve got a story or memory, you know, whatever comes to mind, just let it flow.

JF: Alright sounds good

BT: Your favorite story since you’ve entered the minor leagues?

Josh Fellhauer (JF): Probably last year, I was struggling a little bit and — you know, my first time in triple A and I didn’t know if I was ready or something like that — it took me a while to get my first few hits and actually my second hit ended up being a homerun in Columbus and it was just a great moment and great time in my life

BT: Favorite stadium or venue that you’ve ever played in or been to?

JF: Played in? It’s gotta be my hometown the Rancho Cucamonga Quakes. It’s a nice stadium, my whole family was there.. It was like a dream come playing in front of my home crowd and my hometown and it was just a great experience to be there

BT: What about your favorite venue that you’ve ever been to and it doesn’t have to be baseball, it can be football game you’ve been to, a hockey game if you’re into that, NBA..

JF: It’s gotta be Fenway Park. I know we didn’t want to do baseball but I haven’t really dabbled outside in other sports

BT: Hey, there’s nothing wrong with Fenway. Okay, your favorite song to play before you go out with the crew? If you and your boys are about to hit the clubs that night, what are you bumpin’ on the playlist?

JF: Oh man.. I have no idea

BT: At an least artist, who are you playing?

JF: Probably gonna go Justin Timberlake

BT: That’s your boy?

JF: Yeah that’s my boy right there, he’s always got it going on you know — people love him, chicks love him — he’s just got the swag

BT: Favorite Timberlake song?

JF: Holy Grail, forsure

BT: Alright how about your favorite 80s movie?

JF: Uhhhh.. Jaws. Is that in the 80s?

BT: Uhmmm, maybe?

JF: Close enough?

BT: *laughing* Probably

JF: *laughing* We’ll go with Jaws

BT: What’s your favorite thing to chant from the dugout — all that gibberish that you guys are up here on the wall spittin’ — what’s your favorite thing to get in a pitcher’s ear?

JF: Something we say when a pitcher throws a terrible pitch, we ask him how he holds it. You know, if he throws it short, throws it high or just whatever, lets it go, we just want to know how he holds it because it was awful

BT: What is your favorite TV show that you’re currently watching? If you’re a Netflix guy or you’ve just DVDs on deck at home.. What are you pressing play on?

JF: Right now it’s The Walking Dead. I’ve seen every season twice, can’t wait for next season to come out, I’m just hooked. I have no idea what’s going to happen, I think that’s just what keeps me involved

BT: Alright it’s midnight, you’re starving — What’s your favorite late night meal? If you’re gonna have a fourth meal, where are you going?

JF: Oh man — If I’m back home it’d definitely In-N-Out. Can’t get enough In-N-Out

BT: My uhh — one of my favorite authors — I like to read Tucker Max. You know Tucker Max?

JF: *laughs* Yeah I know Tucker Max

BT: One of his first books had a Vegas story in it and he had an entire section dedicated to his In-N-Out experience so I’ve heard good things, but I’ve never had the chance to appreciate it

JF: It’s wonderful, like I said I just can’t get enough

BT: The Double-Double?

JF: Oh yeah.. Double-Double with grilled onions baby *smiles*

BT: Favorite thing to do in Louisville during your downtime?

JF: Uhh, go shooting. Last year we had a few days off and I got to go shooting for my first time..

BT: Shooting.. Basketball? Guns?

JF: I’m sorry, guns yeah, clay pidgins and it was just a blast. We ended up going like two or three times and I’m just hooked

BT: What are you strapped with?

JF: 12 Gauge, 12 Gauge shotgun over/under

BT: Sawed off or street legal?

JF: *laughing* Street legal

BT: What’s your favorite piece of advice or a quote that someone has passed along — maybe an early on coach, a coach in the minor leagues, a parent — Something that meant a lot to you and you carry as a mantra to your life

JF: A quote or advice would have to be from my father. He told me to always keep a level head — You know, when things are going great don’t get too high, when things are going bad don’t get too low, just be the same guy no matter what happens and I’ve really taken that to heart and tried to live my life that way

BT: Who is your favorite non-baseball athlete?

JF: Kobe Bryant

BT: Kobe?

JF: Kobe Bryant. All he wants to do is win, he just wants to be the best and he works his ass off every single day

BT: Who is your favorite football player to watch on Saturday or Sunday?

JF: Sunday football, it’s gotta be LeSean McCoy, Philadelphia Eagles. I’m an Eagles fan

BT: Are you?

JF: Yeah, don’t ask me how it happened it’s just been there. And no, it wasn’t because of Chip Kelly and last year, it’s been years

BT: I always tell people the nice thing about being from Kentucky is that you get to pick and choose who you’re fans of, so I’m all over the board as well man. What’s your favorite nickname you’ve ever been called?

JF: I’ve only ever been called Felly, that’s just been there since day one. Actually it’s my brother’s nickname, my dad’s nickname and now it’s my nickname and we’re just sticking with it

BT: So you’re like, Felly the third?

JF: Yeah.. Trey Felly *laughing*

BT: *laughing* Nice. Well from Louisville Slugger Field I’m Ben Tompkins, thank you to my new boy Trey Felly for doing this, this is our first Friday Favorites of many to come, Josh thanks a lot and best of luck

JF: Thanks for having me, I really appreciate it

Ben Tompkins is a media relations intern for the Louisville Bats. You can follow him on Twitter @bennytomp18 and on Instagram @bennythekid01.



Louisville Bats
The Bats Signal

Triple-A affiliate of the Cincinnati @Reds. We don't make baseball bats, we make baseball fans.