Big Belly Nonions

Nonye Ezeaka
The Pursuit of Balance
4 min readMar 24, 2020

We are all aware that we are eating nonsense

I really have to do something.

My new Year resolution concerning my weight was to lose ten kilograms by the end of the year without any exercise. The purpose of this decision was to focus on the healthy diet part of weight loss (which is supposed to be 80% of weight loss anyway) and get used to it. Then the following year, I could really look into the exercise part. As with most other people with fitness on their New Year resolutions list, I started pretty well. Someone even told me she was seeing the results at some point. I didn’t see what she saw, but that’s beside the point. A few weeks later I found myself writing exams and that, I think was where everything went to shit. Going to bed by 5 am to wake up by 7 am to write an exam by 9 am is not a really good way to promote healthy eating. Or any other good habit formation for that matter. If I had lost any teeny bit of weight between January and the first day of March, I gained it back when I wrote my exams. I was carrying money I didn’t have to buy turkey and spaghetti almost every night. That alone was enough for me to pack on the pounds. Many of us in school have seen some of those people prepare that spaghetti and we are all aware that we are eating nonsense.

I ate a lot of egg rolls. Far too much for my own good or anyone else’s really because my farts became quite deadly.

I was part of the people that carried snacks into the exam hall. Some people would come with just a bottle of coke or yogurt or something. I would come with a full course meal. Pure Bliss biscuits and Two of those baby size Ribena. It was a good idea at the time because a little less than half way into the theory paper, I would become absolutely ravenous. You don’t want hunger to be one of your problems when you’re writing your professional exams.

In summary, it is not a mystery to me how I added weight because I was eating. A lot.

Now we’re all at home.

One day my mother said out of the blue, “NONYE, YOU’RE NOT DOING DIET AGAIN?” I tried to use the whole exam thing as a ruse, but it didn’t work much. How annoying.

The truth is staying in this house is not helping my cause at all because I have little to no control over what food is being bought. My mother went out of her way to buy two big size Daily Manna loaves of bread today. In her mind those two loaves are supposed to last for breakfast for the rest of the week. The reality is that it would be a miracle if she finds the second loaf untouched by tomorrow evening. My brother is around. He eats more than twice as much as I do, but he’s slim. Very slim, so it doesn’t matter. I think the good genes were evenly shared between us. He gets the fast metabolism and I get the clear skin. Fantastic stuff.

My mother insists that we have to eat the same thing at all times. To manage resources, she said. I don’t think there’s any need to do that, though. There is a lot of food in this house. And she’s still buying more. She says the markets will be shut down soon. No thanks to Miss Rona the Virus. As a result of this rule, I can’t exactly go out of my way to be making oats or muesli or be eating fruits for breakfast. If I try to fight about it, it will all boil down to, “You’re the older one, just let it slide”. To be fair, I don’t exactly want to do these things, but it’s a lot easier to make these annoying decisions when you don’t have to factor someone else into the equation. Tough.

I received an email today about the plating method from Odunayo ‘The Calorie Queen’ of Optimum Foodie. It’s almost as if she knew I was in trouble. I bought her student guide last year. I don’t have it anymore (since my phone was stolen), but those are the principles I am still trying to use to lose weight today. The plating method could work, except there doesn’t seem to be any plan to stock up on vegetables in the nearest future. My mother buys fruit every now and then, but I can’t eat them the way I want to because I have to consider other people.

I don’t see what I can do in my current situation apart from doing a bit of portion control. I am still eating a lot, I have to say. And that can be significantly reduced. So that is what I am going to be working on. I will tell you all how it goes.

I am going to start when there is no more bread in the house sha. Just to let you know.



Nonye Ezeaka
The Pursuit of Balance

I create content for mission-aligned healthcare brands that help their target audience make better health decisions.