From Sandcastles to Brick Houses

Nonye Ezeaka
The Pursuit of Balance
2 min readMar 23, 2020

What am I going to do?

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

I havebecome very good at making plans. I can lie down on my bed, identify everything in my life that I need to change and immediately create a foolproof plan to change everything, complete with a time frame to achieve my goal and the thought that I would start the very next day. Then I’ll start. I’ll continue for three days. A week at best. And then I’ll stop. FOR WEEKS. Then one random day, I’ll lie down on my bed and remember that I have a bit of a gut or that I’m not as rich as I would like to be. I’d remember that I had a plan before and it didn’t work because I wasn’t consistent.

I even started writing my plans down in a notebook because all the gurus said it would ‘enforce’ the goal in my mind and make it more doable, or something along those lines. Ah. That’s another problem. I’m fantastic at accumulating information in my head, but terrible at actually ‘applying’ said information. So now I have the most random personal development facts floating around in my head, but I’m currently using almost none of them. On the flip side, those bits of information could come in handy when advising other people on what to do with their own dysfunctional lives. Three cheers for knowledge.

So then, what am I going to do?

Someone once suggested I pick one thing and work on it until I am satisfied before moving on to the next one. But how do I decide which aspect of my life is more important or needs more urgent attention than others? My academics? My health? My writing? My relentless efforts to make steady money? Which one should come first? And how do I balance everything to make sure I don’t fall off the deep end?

This is what ‘The Pursuit of Balance’ is all about. I want this to be my accountability journal of sorts. Hopefully I don’t forget about it later. Wish me luck.



Nonye Ezeaka
The Pursuit of Balance

I create content for mission-aligned healthcare brands that help their target audience make better health decisions.