An Empty House

Memories coming back

Iva Hotko
The Bazaar of the Bizarre


A white snail house with black strip lying abandon in the grass.
Image by the author

There were secrets
that burned the tongue,
whispers that sounded so loud.
In an empty house
everything seems so vast,
and footsteps echo
like an army on the march.

At dusk, under the candle light
every shadow has its own mark
carving the past
into the floors and walls
revealing the ugliness
of glittered happiness.

In the ballroom
a crystal chandelier
holds the reflection of a memory -
a dark haired maiden
and a fair tall man
waltzing the night away.

Veils of the past,
shed tears, and all the lies
swallowed the light
that once made this home bright.
Dust and rust,
rumours and fear
is all that is left
from this shattered dream.

~ Iva


I wrote about the past so many times that it feels like there is nothing more to say, that all the words have been spent. Then I stumble upon that scene in the grass that makes all the memories come back.
I once wrote that time doesn’t heal but only stops the wounds from bleeding. I still feel that way but who knows, maybe there is a miracle waiting for me somewhere along the way.



Iva Hotko
The Bazaar of the Bizarre

Walking contradiction of sense and sensibility. Literature, art, philosophy, gardening, nature,hiking and photography 🦋