Short form + Culture

B. Smith

Womens History Month #22

The Bazaar of the Bizarre
1 min readMar 23, 2022


Bing search image edited in by author

She possessed a fiery disposition that drew me like rain to a tree — not only her beauty but the ways in which she shaped life itself, for many, by introducing to the world, fine Black southern chic.

In the eyes of the world, Black Americans are one dimensional — pigeonholed into only being the contention for white America, the athletic superstar, the activist, the music icon.

She exploded that idea wide open by being herself, and sharing with the world, her love of home, Black culture, and what she considered fine things in life, and her contribution to the spectrum of Black aesthetics.

She didn’t just teach white America, she taught me, influencing my interests in home decor through her designs.

She walked with purpose, poise, beauty and of course, style.

Happy Womens History Month. Help me celebrate, ancestor B. Smith.

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The Bazaar of the Bizarre

I’m an ordinary woman, and #survivor #writing—existing in an extraordinary world. Fuck them lanes. #WEOC #BotBEditor introvert #POMpoet #TBIN #Poetry #Memoirs