Finding Inspiration

It is always accidental

The Bazaar of the Bizarre


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

I do not know much about experiments
But perhaps I know a little about learning,
This piece really did spark something in me
A thought that I have not yet deciphered.
I feel I am circling around it
But there is a shield
That is preventing me from latching on to it,
Reaching out and grasping.

It is knowledge that has eluded me
Yet I feel know everything about it,
Perhaps I am more certain of its existence
Than I have ever been sure about anything in my life,
Regardless it remains indecipherable.

The words evade me,
I cannot write it down nor speak of it.
Its structure is unknown to me
But I feel it is a part of me
And perchance, what I am doing now,
Typing these words
Is my method of trying to find it.
Perhaps, I will see it somewhere among these sentences,
It might be hidden in these lines.



The Bazaar of the Bizarre

I write to understand myself and the world around me || Trying to be as human as I can be