The Boogey Man

Every person has an inner monster that they don’t like to reveal

A.j Thomas
The Bazaar of the Bizarre


I will never rid the monster,
That has come a knockin’,
Who has stolen away my peace,
Crept up on me like a thief,
Hidden in the shadows,
Snatching up all the light,
There is nothingness now,
Only but pitch-black darkness,
It lurks where you wouldn’t expect,
Around every corner,
I tiptoe through life,
In hopes I don’t wake it,
For when it sleeps,
My heart can breathe,
When it is at rest,
I have you,
The you that I know,
The you that I love,
For when the monster awakens,
My you disappears,
There is no more Mr. Nice Guy,
No more I love you’s,
Or affectionate words,
Spoken with loving passion,
Only vile malicious slurs,
Words spoken in hate,
Hiding the man that I know you can be,
Who you once were,
The one that I fell in love with,
Becomes smothered away,
I hide underneath the blanket,
Of the memories that we once shared,
All of the good times we used to have,
Are saved for another day,
When the boogey-man shows it’s ugly face,
And decides to come out to play.



A.j Thomas
The Bazaar of the Bizarre

Literary gutter vixen words of love and lust, sprinkled in pixie dust.