Welcome to the Bazaar of the Bizarre

Where dream travelers with bohemian souls sojourn

Michael Hall
The Bazaar of the Bizarre


Picture from Monty Python’s Flying Circus courtsey of reddit

Please read the Purveyors (originally About/Write Here) page for the Bazaar of the Bizarre by clicking on the link below. If you are interested in being a writer for this publication, email me at 21stcenturygriot@gmail.com or private message me on my profile page.

Here are some quick notes pertaining to the tabs of this publication. Since tabs are tag-loaded, it is important to properly tag posts, so that they fall under the correct tabs. For posts to be loaded in the Poetry From The Soul tab, make sure that your main tag is “Poetry.” For posts to fall under the Musings tab, make sure to use “Writing” as your main tag. Although I have no problem with writers cross-tagging their work as “Poetry”, “Musings”, and/or “Writing.” it is my aim to have the bulk of “Poetry” posts fall under the Poetry From The Soul tab; whereas, the Musings tab will be the general section solely for various kinds of prose such as contemplations, flash fiction, meditations, memoirs, reflections, short stories, and vignettes. For posts to…



Michael Hall
The Bazaar of the Bizarre

#21stcenturygrio | with imagination as my 6th sense and soul as my quintessence, I am an alchemist of prosody | https://linktr.ee/21stcenturygriot