Why is Clean India spiritual responsibility of Muslim Community?

Sarfaraz Mulla
The Bearded Quirky Guy
2 min readSep 13, 2015

We in India have seen a slew of advertising campaign on Swatch Bharat or Clean India . It’s interesting that a nation of 1.2 billion that considers its distinctness in spirituality has to be reminded of keeping our homes & premises clean . No we are not interested in Self-loathing on the contrary it’s about the fact that our hygiene practices are to be improved. Cleanliness is next to godliness someone said . Keeping the politics of Sawtch Bharat aside , let’s examine why Muslims can provide a push to this campaign.

Hafiz Ibn Hajar Asqalni in his book Attainment of the Objective starts with the The Book Of Purification as the first chapter. As I was looking at this book as a source of inspiration for this article, I thought to research on other books of Hadith (I.e. Collections of Prophetic Sayings) as well . Not to my utter surprise majority of the notable books had Purification as either chapter 1 or 2. The indexes I referred to include Ibn-e-Majah, Al-Tirmidhi, Sahih Muslim, Muwatta etc. You can take a detailed look here.

Purification or shuddikaran has been the essence of our common heritage. Not many of us visit religious places until we have cleansed ourselves as per the rituals I.e. Ghusl (bathing) or Wudu (abolution) .

One of the Hadith to its neared meaning says :

Allah is Clean & loves cleanliness

Muslims don’t pray obligatory prayers until they are in a state of purity as obligated by the Quran & Hadith. Hence, I consider Clean India program an unique initiative where they can positively contribute to the nation.

Prophet (PBUH) specifically mentioned of cleaning our houses & courtyards & also said :

Purification is half of faith

With all the emphasis on purification and cleanliness, it should not be misunderstood to that of only physical cleanliness. On the contrary this emphasises physical cleanliness precedes spiritual cleanliness. As Kabir a 15th century mystic poet said :

Kabir Man Nirmal Bhaya, Jaise Ganga Neer Pache Pache Har Phire, Kahat Kabir Kabir


Kabir’s mind got cleansed like the holy Ganges water Now everyone follows, saying Kabir Kabir

Originally published at sarmasta.com on August 3, 2015.

