Pulitzer Prize nominated journalist gives advice, talks education reporting

Devyn Mode
The BearFaced Truth
3 min readMar 29, 2019

By Devyn Mode

Maureen Downey is an education blogger and columnist for the Atlanta Journal Constitution . Her blog “Get Schooled” covers education news and features editorials on education topics. Photo courtesy of AJC.com

Award-winning education blogger and columnist Maureen Downey admits opinion-writing is not for the moderate journalist. The Atlanta Journal Constitution contributor said editorial writing demands preparation and courage.

“If you want to write opinion, form some strong ones and make sure you have evidence to support your stands,” Downey said.

As a beat reporter for publications in Atlanta, Florida and New Jersey, Downey covered courts, school boards, city councils, planning and zoning, child welfare and social services. Her current blog “Get Schooled” features news and opinions on current education issues in Georgia and across the country. Her favorite part in this work is seeing her writing make a difference.

“I like effecting change. For most of the last twenty years, I have written editorials, many of which had a role in legislation, killing bad bills, of which there is an endless supply, or promoting good bills, of which there are too few,” Downey said.

One of Downey’s favorite pieces she wrote was an editorial series on Genarlow Wilson and Georgia’s draconian laws about sex between teens.

Wilson served ten years for consensual oral sex with a 15-year-old when he was 17 years old. Not only was the series one of three finalists for a Pulitzer, it also played a role in Wilson’s release from prison and a change in the Georgia law.

With a media career spanning about 20 years, Downey learned the best way to report on a subject it to read about it. For future opinion writers, she suggests becoming well-versed and prepared for the opposition.

“If you want to cover education or any other topic, learn it. Read about it,” Downey said. “The best way to do so is to engage with people who disagree with you.”

Downey said she grew into her position after 12 years with the AJC. She also suggests columnist hopefuls start their own blogs and be prepared to work their way up into a columnist position.

“It’s not easy to land a column writing job or a blog right out of school,” Downey said. “Of course, you can always start your own blog, unaffiliated with your newspaper or broadcast job, and you should.”

Downey graduated from the University of Delaware and received her graduate degree at Columbia University. She recalls being on the print journalism track, but recognizes journalism students today must be able to work in different mediums.

“I preferred a pad and pen as my main equipment. That is no longer possible or practical,” Downey said. “Today, reporters have to write stories, produce video and narrate podcasts so there is a new burden on young journalists to master these multiple platforms.”

Downey says the most valuable skills in journalism will always be curiosity, agility with language, openness, doggedness and analytical skills. Journalism today, however, demands speed as well.

“People want stories seconds after a vote is taken in the General Assembly or a police shooting occurs in downtown Atlanta. Accuracy is sacrificed as the initial information isn’t always correct,” Downey said. “Solid newsgathering takes time, but today we are in a race against time.”

Get Schooled is an education blog published by the AJC and written by columnist Maureen Downey. Her work for in Georgia earned her a Pulitzer Prize nomination and was instrumental in Genarlow Wilson’s release from prison and a change in Georgia’s draconian laws. Photo courtesy of AJC.com



Devyn Mode
The BearFaced Truth
Writer for

Journalism and Political Science Major at Mercer University