We Must Stand and Be Heard

Young Militant One, Alameda

Don’t be afraid to share your words!
Don’t be afraid to use your voice!
In the end you will still be you.
Don’t be afraid to tell one what is right
We must stand! Stand tall!
We can no longer crawl.
We must get up from our seats and be heard!
We can no longer be afraid of the man
The man must know we are here!
The man must know we will not go away!
Talking to you Trump and all you rich white people!
More than ever we must utilize all channels to be heard
The system must know we are more than a number
The system must recognize
we are more than just another poor youngsta from the hood.
Say it loud, say it and be proud!
Thanks Beat for giving us this opportunity!
Fight the power! Take a stand!

