The Hidden Power of Kindness

A call to stay kind and build empathy in time of violence and hatred.

Radwa Azmi
Beautiful Voyager
4 min readJul 4, 2020


[A man kissing a wounded dog to relieve his pain in Cairo, Egypt], Photo by Mohamed Wardany.

How many times were you saved by a simple act of kindness? how many times have you smiled in the mid of crying because a passerby smiled at you? how many times were you the source of kindness itself? how many lives have you saved with a kind smile? how many days you have made by a nice word you said unintentionally?

“nights burden gets lighter
when it is shared by two”
Fouad Hadad

Pain is inevitable, and in some cases, there is no way to escape it, it is here and it is true and reasonable, no amount of love or empathy can cure it, but love and tenderness can ease it a lot further; Being around your loved ones during hard times is not easy, the sense of powerlessness to help or remove the heavyweight from their chests, the sound of them aching, it is too much to take I know. But sometimes all that we can do for someone is to sit with in his darkness with an arm around his shoulder and a gentle touch where it hurts, do not underestimate the power of sharing nor the power of a touch, hugs can always say what words can not; “I am here for you, I know it hurts, I can help you carry your heavy heart.”

Pain is a sculptor and each of us is his task, it turns our stony hearts into beautiful pieces of art. Some stay calm and take the process, they become a masterpiece who is grateful for its sculptor and helping others to get through it easier; Others resist badly and refuse to let pain does his work, they are now a piece of unfulfilled dreams, full of anger, disappointment, and feelings of privilege, sometimes they got so sick and traumatized that they want everyone to suffer as much as they did.

Photo by Aleksey Oryshchenko on Unsplash

“Allah is compassionate and loves compassion. He gives for compassion what He does not give for harshness.”
Hadith Sharief

God is kind, God is gentle, God is understanding, God is Self-Sufficient, God does not need us but we need him, God is not angry at us, He does not need to take revenge, He knows exactly what is going on, even when no one other does, He is watching us in time of hardships, and knows how hurt we are. Believing this gives a deep sigh of relief: we are always shadowed by His kindness, always surrounded by His mercy, and His mercy can be inspiring others’ the simple acts of kindness towards us.

When I am having a hard time, I keep looking everywhere to find where God has hidden His kindness. A baby smiling at me while riding, a refreshing breeze gently touches my face, someone to cry my heart to, even the ability to express what is distressing me, I call these “God’s soldiers.”

On the other hand; I always ask God to honor me by being His soldier, and like any job, this job has requirements too; you need to be kind and compassionate as much as you can, you do not wait for signs of trouble to help, the most in-need people do not know how to ask, you do not only be kind to whom you are familiar to his suffering, you are kind to anyone anywhere, you never know what anyone is going through, and when you are hurt God gives you the authority to take revenge without infringement and promises a higher place in case you forgive, you can always have your beliefs, stand and debate for them, but whatever you do; do it with kindness.

“It is the history of our kindnesses that alone make this world tolerable. If it were not for that, for the effect of kind words, kind looks, kind letters..; I should be inclined to think our life a practical jest in the worst possible spirit.”
Robert Louis Stevenson

I have a great amount of love and appreciation for gentle people, those who take it upon themselves to ease pain, who got hurt so badly that they decided not to let anyone feel the same way, who see through us, embrace our insecurities and make them safe, full of empathy and compassion that they can hear each element’s cry for help, they donate to ease the pain of their loved ones, community, homeless, animals, plants… Those who were able to turn their pain into something as beautiful as kindness.

The Vow of Kindness

“I know how it feels to be in pain,
Pain is tough; so I will try my best not to be the source of it.
Pain is heavy; so I will always offer my help carrying it.
Pain is cunning; so I am not waiting for its signs to be nice.
Kindness always helps,
Kindness always wins,
Kindness finds a way,
Kindness wins battles,
Kindness saves lives,
Kindness eases pains,
Kindness pays forward,
Kindness makes life bearable”



Radwa Azmi
Beautiful Voyager

I write about faith, mental health, psychology, and self-improvement. Poet. Engineer. Photographer. Reflective.