The BedKin Pledge

All members of the BedKin community commit to three principles:

The BedKin Blog
1 min readMar 9, 2017


1. Give Generously

Be generous without expecting anything in return. The act of giving is core to strengthening relationships, and is thus the foundational action of our BedKin community.

Hosts give the gift of a comfortable home to friends, local recommendations, and more. Guests give gifts in return, sometimes also sharing their home at a future date.

2. Be Thankful

The best response to any gift is simply a genuine “Thank You!”

Most people aren’t giving their home because they expect something in return. Instead, many just want to know that their giving was valued by their guest.

So show your appreciation in any way you see fit. Make it known that you are thankful for their friendship and support!

3. Show Respect

The key to showing respect is clear communication.

Guests — remember that your host is your friend, not your butler or maid. Respect the house rules, keep your spaces clean, and do not to be needy. Your host likely also has work and other responsibilities to handle while hosting you. And NEVER overstay your welcome.

Hosts — remember that your guests are traveling and are possibly in an entirely new place. Respect their space and privacy. Be generous, but do not overextend yourself. Most guests are happy just to have a place to stay and spend time with their friends.

