Four live Foo songs: Better Than Nothing?

Elaine Bell
The Bee Side
Published in
1 min readJul 13, 2015

Recently I started feeling like I was the only person I knew who wasn’t going to see the Foo Fighters on their “Sonic Highways/Dave’s Broken Leg” tour. Quebec City would have been the most accessible for me, and I did consider planning my vacation around it. But other activities cut into the entertainment budget. So hopefully…hopefully…I will catch them the next time they tour Canada. You can’t see everything, right?

The Festival d’été stop in Quebec, as it turned out, was cut disappointingly short by severe weather: heavy rain, strong winds, reports of thunder and lightning. Bless the boys for their determination to play through, but after four songs it was evident they couldn’t continue safely. And even after they called it, Grohl had to be pulled offstage.

I felt bad for my friends who attended and drove for the better part of a day to be there. But after seeing their social media posts, I’m certain they wouldn’t tell you they felt ripped off. They’d tell you it was the greatest 20 minutes of live music they’ve ever witnessed. Here’s two minutes of what it looked like:


Yep, still envious.

Even if you’re not a fan, you have to admire the tenacity of a band that won’t let a show be halted by broken legs or severe weather conditions…at least, not without a fight.

