St. Dave delivers

Elaine Bell
The Bee Side
Published in
2 min readNov 24, 2015

The last several months have been a blur of summer trips, birthdays, returns to the curling rink and BARFING FLU and have all conspired to keep me from writing (thankfully, I’m still listening).

And then this morning, a little note on Facebook from the Foo Fighters, a gift from the rock gods, some musical salvation as I reeled from cleaning up after my stomach flu-stricken teenager and dealing with a tween lunch-and-outfit-related meltdown before she stormed off to her school bus, while our first snow fell miserably to the ground.

A free EP for download!

Saint Cecilia is not just the song that kicks off this five-song treat from the Foos, or the name of the hotel in Austin where it was recorded: the gal was a legit saint, the patroness of musicians, at that. The official release date of November 22nd is also no coincidence: the feast of Saint Cecilia is traditionally celebrated on November 22nd.The Foo Fighters’ mini-release doesn’t sound anything like what would have passed for popular music in 2nd century Sicily. I’ve been known to pass up EPs because sometimes they feel a little mailed-in, like I’ve been given a collection of castoffs that might include one excellent track if I’m lucky.

Saint Cecilia crushed my assumptions. The songs are just as strong — maybe stronger in some instances — as anything off Sonic Highways. The title track felt like familiar current-era Foos. The garage-y “Savior Breath” (save your breath?) felt like it was delivering me from a wretched morning. “Sean” is super fun, like actual Seans I know.

If Sonic Highways was Dave Grohl’s love letter to American music, Saint Cecilia is a valentine to his fans.

