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The Behaviouralist
Research and opinions from our staff
No one likes losing.
No one likes losing.
Every winter, the UK finds itself wrestling with a flu outbreak.
The Behaviouralist
Mar 26, 2019
Uber generates 18-million-dollars of consumer ‘wellbeing’ every day.
Uber generates 18-million-dollars of consumer ‘wellbeing’ every day.
The price of a good in a market reflects both consumer value and the cost of producing the good. On the consumer side, for a consumer to…
The Behaviouralist
Mar 27, 2019
Test scores drop when the football’s on.
Test scores drop when the football’s on.
On June 10th, the 2016 European Championship starts in France. England, Northern Ireland, and Wales will be represented at the tournament…
The Behaviouralist
Mar 27, 2019
Taking regulation to the masses? The trend towards customer engagement.
Taking regulation to the masses? The trend towards customer engagement.
When most people hear the word “regulation,” they likely think about government bureaucrats and bloated agencies. For people who have a…
The Behaviouralist
Mar 27, 2019
An end to reckon-based policymaking?
An end to reckon-based policymaking?
Of all the words to cause an economist’s heart to sink, there is nothing quite like a politician opening a sentence with ‘I reckon’.
The Behaviouralist
Mar 27, 2019
One in, X out: a push and a nudge towards better regulation.
One in, X out: a push and a nudge towards better regulation.
Grover Norquist is not a fan of big government. Arguably the best statement of the pugnacious American’s philosophy is that he doesn’t…
The Behaviouralist
Mar 26, 2019
A soft-touch approach to tax compliance.
A soft-touch approach to tax compliance.
Tax collectors are used to less-than-enthusiastic compliance, but that doesn’t make non-payment any less infuriating.
The Behaviouralist
Mar 26, 2019
Thinking outside the penalty box.
Thinking outside the penalty box.
This blog post is a bit different. A lot of the articles we write try to show you how we change people’s behaviour; the principles we rely…
The Behaviouralist
Mar 26, 2019
Presents, the present and pensions.
Presents, the present and pensions.
I am going to begin this article by making three predictions about your behaviour.
The Behaviouralist
Mar 25, 2019
Do nudges crowd each other out?
Do nudges crowd each other out?
Whether by design or by happenstance, nudges are all around us. Our behavior is designed through these…
The Behaviouralist
Mar 25, 2019
When norms don’t work.
When norms don’t work.
Behavioural economics can sometimes seem very simple. People tend to save too little, but if we can convince them to enrol into automatic…
The Behaviouralist
Mar 25, 2019
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