Blake Anderson
The Benefits of Communication
2 min readFeb 22, 2018


How to Communicate Properly

Communication.. something that all of us do each and everyday, you would think we’d all be experts at it. Right? Unfortunately, that is not always the case, especially in the business world. Many people, especially younger millennial’s are so used to communicating over social media mediums such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and snapchat. In addition to that, text messaging has become far more popular than phone calls. All of these sources of mediums allow for people to communicate in informal ways which has caused for all these people to develop bad habits that they aren’t even consciously aware of. These bad habits of communication can negatively impact a person when it comes time to communicate in the real business world.

Communication is a skill that everyone can benefit from it does not matter your age or gender, it is a skill that many overlook. It is so important to excel in communication to properly send messages through a variety of different mediums, all without allowing misinterpretation. The ability to communicate is important to me because I’ve personally noticed that I, Myself can struggle at time to convey my message in a clear and concise way. Just because your message makes sense to you it doesn’t necessarily mean that it will make sense to whomever your intended audience is.

I would personally like to know more tips and tricks that can help people become better communicators both verbally and in writing. This interest me because different kinds of communication styles are necessary to use in different situations and when speaking to people of different social status. I also would like to know different tactics and strategies that can help make a message more influential and impactful to your audience.

My goal for this project is to be able to not only become a better communicator myself but also be able to give insightful information to others to help give a better understanding on how to communicate properly. I would like to measure progress by comparing some of the things that I have written prior to this project to things that I will write after it. This can be interesting to monitor what areas have improved and what areas still need improvement. It’s nearly impossible to be perfect at anything and the same thing applies when it comes to communication but there are definitely ways to be able to improve and become better over time.

I plan to achieve my goals through research and my findings. I know that I have become a better writer than I once was but I know that I am still deficient in some areas of communication. I will also optimize my goal by reviewing how different kinds of writing styles are used in different kinds of mediums and situations. It will be interesting to compare how similar messages can be very different when used in various scenarios.

