Interpersonal Communication

Blake Anderson
The Benefits of Communication
2 min readMar 5, 2018

Interpersonal communication is the exchange of information between two or more people. We use interpersonal communication on a regular basis, whether it be talking to a close friend, your mother, or the guy that works at Tim Hortons. Interpersonal communication can be both verbal and nonverbal communication as well. For example, waving to someone is considered nonverbal communication that translates as someone saying hello or goodbye. These non verbal gestures that are found in society have allowed for people to be able to communicate and understand the meaning of a particular body gesture. Excelling in interpersonal communication is a great skill to have especially in the modern business world.

Interpersonal communication is the process of communicating feelings, exchanging information, and meaning. Anytime you’re communicating with another person face to face you are using interpersonal communication. Interpersonal Communication is probably something you don’t think about when you’re actually speaking to another person but it is in fact a great strength to have. The ability to speak comfortable wherever and to whoever is not something everyone likes to do nor can do. If you have good interpersonal skills it allows for a person to become easily likable and someone feel then can approach comfortably. In the business world, having good interpersonal skills allows for you to network with others in an effective manner by being able to adjust your tone, attitude, and properness depending on the person to whom you’re speaking with. There are so many different kinds of people out there with different taste, preferences, and opinions and if you’re able to communicate in different ways that can make a connection with a person, than thats a great skill to have. People who excel in interpersonal communication are usually people who are confident, outgoing, and have experience working and dealing with people. People who are excellent public speakers and are able to verbally convey their messages in front of an audience are usually people who are proficient in Interpersonal communication. This isn’t a walk in the park for everybody, many people struggle to confidently speak to individuals they do not know or in front of large groups of people. There are ways to improve ones interpersonal communication but it may require one to have to step outside of the comfort zone in order to do so. Enrolling in a public speaking course may be perhaps one of the best way to improve at this, along with that make the conscientious effort to try to speak to others including people you do not know. Try to brainstorm a list of topics and questions to engage into a meaningful conversation. The longer you are able to hold a conversation without it becoming dull, awkward, or repetitive the better you’re becoming at interpersonal communication.

Interpersonal Communication is a great skill to have or one to try to improve at. It can benefit your personal image with others and make you a person that people want to work with or for. Communication is incredibly important and interpersonal communication is one of the primary elements involved in enhancing communication.

