IOSAT helps solve IT needs of NGO’s in Zambia

The very definition of an NGO being a non profit organisation means that they often survive with the help of volunteers or funding that pays for their running costs and the delivery of their much needed services. Due to limited budgets and skillsets, their main focus will likely be on the delivery of their services and not necessarily on the tools they need to run smoothly, like IT.

IOSAT Communication Services, an IT specialist that operates in Zambia and Israel is championing a solution for NGO’s in Zambia — affordable retained IT support for smaller NGO’s with teams of 20–100+ who cannot justify the cost of employing an IT Manager.

In their experience, IOSAT has found that NGOs put themselves at risk because they do not have good enough knowledge and understanding of information security, or how to protect their networks. There is also almost always a skill deficit when it comes to designing and implementing effective IT systems and support that will contribute to the smooth running of
the organisation.

IOSAT have found that the specific IT needs of NGO’s in Zambia fall into 3 main categories

  1. Advanced systems design and installation for efficiency and smooth operation
  2. Network protection through setup of information security procedures and firewalls together with firewall and server configurations which include domain control and the ability to limit and block users
  3. The sourcing and setup of hardware like computers, servers and wireless

IOSAT is well placed to meet the IT needs of NGO’s in Zambia because they have a team of local experts in Zambia who work alongside their Israeli counterparts. The Zambian team is available to help demystify IT. They can take away the IT burden by being on hand to talk to and to get hands on. They are on hand to design, install, manage and maintain IT equipment. Their Israeli counterparts are on hand for expert support and for the sourcing of IT equipment.

Core IOSAT IT services
IOSAT’s core work is IT and Networking, specialising in information security and cyber security. This highly experienced team are skilled at all levels of IT so they can provide a fast and professional service. IOSAT describe themselves as ‘integrators’ of technology, offering turnkey IT solutions. This means they can tailor their services to meet the specific needs of organisations and can partner with NGO’s long term to roll out better IT infrastructure and
support over time.

Examples of work that IOSAT has carried out for NGO’s includes

  • Installing CCTV in all NGO hubs including headquarters and other in-country locations
  • Installing access control and time and attendance clocks
  • IT project installation including internet service with backup internet;
    connecting and configuring firewalls to control and limit users, including the setup of VIP users with higher levels of access; the design, implementation and arrangement of LAN infrastructure, internal wiring and wireless distribution; installation and support of server with virtual machines for domain control, file sharing, antivirus management; installation of unique software requirements like accounting software
  • Design and implementation of up country sites and connection between the networks with secure VPNs
  • Managing office 365 email accounts

If you are a Zambian NGO with IT challenges, then talk to IOSAT today about tailoring a service package to suit your needs.

Find out more about IOSAT Communication Services by clicking here.



Sara Drawwater
Infobwana (formally the Best of Zambia)

Championing Ecommerce in Zambia. Communicator. Writer. Creator. Doer. Thinker. Co-founder and builder of