Team news — 10 years service, new arrivals and competition winners

Sara Drawwater
Infobwana (formally the Best of Zambia)
4 min readJul 27, 2020

A decade of service

Pestensam Mafuta, Office Manager

Our Office Manager Pestensam Mafuta, aka, Percy, is a smart lady — she started way back in the day and steadily climbed the ranks.

In the last ten years Percy has mastered book-keeping, cash reconciliation, complex admin like submitting ZRA VAT returns, liaising with ZRA and NAPSA personnel, and finding lost documents in our filing system! She’s also disciplined and dependable. As such her contribution to the company has been significant and we are very appreciative.

What do you enjoy most about working for Working here has taught me things I never thought I would know and having these opportunities is hugely important to me.

What’s the biggest challenge about working for As a small growing company, I would say managing cash flow! As Office Manager I really feel it when cash flow is tight. It’s worrying because I depend on this business for my income and it becomes a challenge for the company to run smoothly. As time goes on and we strengthen our offering I am hopeful that there will be less juggling, or maybe a different kind of juggling!

How have you grown since you joined? I have really grown! I am proud of myself because I would never have imagined doing some of the things I do now. I can see much improvement compared to when I started. Quite honestly, working at has changed my life. I remember before I started working here, things were hard for me, but now I’m managing to take care of myself and my children Lucky and Thandiwe. Thanks to, it’s been a great journey for me and I appreciate it 😊

What are you most excited about? I am excited to see grow. As the company grows, I will grow too!

New arrivals

Chanozya Chilambo, new Sales Exec

New Sales Exec

Welcome to our newest team member, Chanozya Chilambo who joins as Sales Exec, taking the Sales team up to 4!

Chano is 27 and a graduate of Munali Girls and NIPA. She has sales experience from Prudential Insurance and has worked for Pepsi Zambia (Varun) as a Customer Exec. We’re super excited to take her through our training program and set her free to work with the great companies out there who want to join the revolution and sell online!

When not at work Chano enjoys cooking, traveling and reading.

All the best Chano!

Joseph Lubuto Connolly

Baby news

Our team just keeps growing!

Welcome to this bundle of cuteness, the youngest member of our team, Joseph Lubuto Connolly.

Joseph is first born to Sales Exec, Kasompe Mulenga who we all miss. But we know that Kasompe is busy doing one of life’s most important jobs — being a Mum. We wish their little family, and especially Joseph, every blessing.

New tech

Shimunza Ng’andu, Media Designer

We’ve invested in a brand new computer for our Media Designer, Shimunza Ng’andu.

Shim is our in-house photographer. Obviously that goes with handling a lot of images, especially as our online shop gets bigger and bigger.

He needed more power to help with batch processing images. This means he is much more productive and a lot happier!

Competition winners

Nawa Katala, Ecommerce Technician and Sasha Chimungu, CRM and Emarketing Executive

We recently had an internal competition looking for sayings, phrases and straplines that we may use in the future. Nawa was judged to be the best and he independently decided to share his K500 worth of winnings with Sasha because he felt she had given the same feedback on the shared document — what a gentleman!



Sara Drawwater
Infobwana (formally the Best of Zambia)

Championing Ecommerce in Zambia. Communicator. Writer. Creator. Doer. Thinker. Co-founder and builder of