Transform your customers’ shopping experience — get an online shop on the new Best of Zambia company profile page

Luke Brown
Infobwana (formally the Best of Zambia)
4 min readNov 23, 2018

In September we launched the Product Marketplace; a comprehensive list of physical products for sale in Zambia.

Today, we’re extremely excited to bring those features to a completely redesigned company profile page for your business. The redesign takes into account our new focus on Products and Service Packages. It reorganises your information so it’s even easier and quicker for your customers to make a purchasing decision — whether that’s by browsing your product range, price list, contact details or latest special offer.

Bookworld online shop showcases their books and magazines and Wayawaya shop their handbags and wallets
Alliance Motors online shop showcases their cars and SUV’s and the Royal Zambezi Lodge’s shop their rooms

A powerful, flexible and interactive online shop, right on your profile page

Our Product Marketplace can handle thousands of product listings — it has powerful features like search (e.g. search by product keywords), filtering (e.g filter by product category) and sorting (e.g sort by price). These are all necessary features to handle a massive online catalogue of products. Today’s update brings all these powerful features to your very own online shop on your company profile page.

KAI Active use their online shop to list their sports and fitness range

We’ve already added over 3,000 products and service packages showing we can list any type of product; from a K2 pen by Bookworld to a $200,000 Range Rover by Alliance Motors. From a massage by Kundji Hair & Spa to a K200 per person conference package by Mika Hotel.

The definitive source for products and services in Zambia

Our website users (your potential customers) use to make purchasing decisions *before* they contact or visit a business.

As more and more people come to rely on to check whether a business supplies something or not, it is becoming increasingly vital for every business to list all the products and service packages they offer, so customers don’t leave your page thinking you don’t offer what they need.

It’s our job to match users who need something with the businesses who supply it. Send us your products and service package information today so you don’t miss out on this potential match.

Zambia’s turn

It’s time for Zambia to compete with the likes of Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya who are changing their economic landscape with e-commerce. We are giving Zambian businesses the ability to compete effectively in an online world without needing the technical expertise, marketing skillsets and resource investment required to run their own silo-ed systems. We’re building to be the most definitive, efficient and reliable place for people to source what products and services a business offers. We’d love for you to join us in our mission to transform people’s shopping experience in Zambia.

Frequently asked questions

What’s the difference between a product and a service package
A product is a physical item (e.g. a book, car) normally supplied by a product oriented business. A service package is a service that can be clearly defined ahead of time e.g. (a training course, a hotel room with a cost per person per night, a conference venue package) normally supplied by a service oriented business.

What if we have thousands of products?
We’re taking a step by step approach — to start with, let’s list your most popular products and ensure these are a good representation of the range of items you offer. In the future, we want to list all your products. We will build bulk inventory management tools that will make the process of uploading and maintaining thousands of products efficient for your business.

Can I add/edit/delete my own products?
Not yet, but it’s coming soon and is high on our priority list. We will always help with the editorial process of our customers content but we recognise it’s important and sometimes more efficient for our customers to manage their own content.

Can people buy products and services through
Not yet. This is the end goal and might not be too far in the future! But before we launch online payments Zambian businesses need to get good at presenting their products and services in a way that people understand and building trust. This is the first step in match-making customers with potential suppliers. We’re working closely with our clients to do that. Then we can tackle payment platforms and… logistics.

