ALL about Gay and THe Lesbian Life

My encounter on both sides ….

Sweetheart’s note


All About The Gay ,and Lesbian Life…

Im on a hunt for a snack on an afternoon,when i suddenly saw a sexy gay,and my usual reaction i really cant help it but to stare even just for a while,and could almost slip n slide while walking,i really dont know why it seems im really fond of them,iam a natural woman,even on my younger years ive got a lot of gay friends,and because of this,most of the time their really having a doubt on my sexual preferrence, not in the way that i dress up,but often in the way i acted most of the time,being witty,funny and there are certain times also even in some of my portfolios online ,they really thought that iwas a gay!another qualities that i love about them is their strong and passionate characteristic when it comes to their lovelife,theres been a lot of stories been told to me,and this time im not a gossip girl,i promise..,hoping their never going to get mad on me!its just that i really cant help my self to bring this up again!i had a gay friend,taking a closer look on him you will never recognize a sign of being a gay..his very masculine,on the outer appearance,sometimes, even on his act ,you will never recognize that his hiding something under his closet,there is even one time could almost fell inlove with him,there are two types of gays,one,whose even hair,makeup ,really dressing up like a woman,some times their really transferring their organs or those we called the trans gender,while the other ones,their still dressing up like a man,but their gestures really exactly like a woman does..this dear friend were really afraid showing who he really was,so he really have to keep it all the time,from his dad and siblings,but his mom knows about it,and of course me, the usual all out gay,he loves going to the bar looking for some guys,then when finally found his partner, quite sad the guy is no longer available,but the guys still taking him as his other man,and when it comes to their sexlife the anal and oral sex,im really not a gossip girl,isnt?theres even one time i asked how does it taste,he just laugh out loud,

i tried to ask about the taste,he just replied while laughing out loud,once you love the person that will going to be the most delicious meal youll going to taste!the other blessing indisguise for them when their having sex,is their not getting pregnant,no matter how many times they wanted to have sex,compared to a man and woman sex life,so a dear friends say their having 4x 24 7 a week, hoping hes in deep sleep ,not reading my stuff,he’ll gonna kill me for sure!but i guess no matter what a man will always be a man,besides aside from the adventurous thing on their preferred sexuality,their also facing the sad thing about their humanity ,which is the descrimination,if before this kind of issue were just set up for private matter,now it really was getting a human rights global issue!some even tried to put up a science on the said dilemma,which they keeps on concluding a psychological dis order that needs,an immediate medication,while conservatives says their a disgrace,and immoral,ones,well if youre going to think of it,it really was an unusual thing,but lifes quite too short,and what their trying to do is just enjoying their life ön its utmost part..back to the story,they didnt split of course,maybe because their just hiding on their closet,he only adds some spice on his life,he married a woman,unfortunately we didnt hook up together,he just said his hailing me thats why!then when i asked him why hes not contented,of his guy he even told me his happy after all ,he just simply winked and said,im still a man i still some satisfaction,it just linger on my mind poor wives of them!!its unusual,if your going to think!but their happy,and according to them their at least faithful..with their partners!quite confusing isnt!by the way i forgot,sometimes im really on my naughty side courting woman,but excuse me im a natural woman,its just that wanted to gave it a try,through texting..some were really been badly victimized ,and according to them their really feeling bad about me,i guess ive done really bad,so

The power of karma came,fate played on with my life,and theres been some tried to make me a lesbian,due to some boyish act that iam having,im not in into any accesories,love sneakers,but theres some ladies really fond of me,making me a lesbian!but excuse me im really feminine deep inside,sometimes im trying to take advantage with those nasty gals,they wanted me to act one,why not !in exchange for freebies,instead of me giving some stuff to them,talking about this life,theres some story i encounter,a woman whose sex taped had leaked ,because of her disgrace,she chose to become a lesbian..but despite of everything she still chose to be happy on her preferred sexual preferrence ,when it comes to woman to woman sexual life,iam a woman ,so lets just keep it private somehow!and still some insecure people says when it comes on being a lesbian ,their just tripping on it,just wanting to get an attention,too sad isnt?but who cares about what other people thinks or might say about them,it maybe unusual thing,but it was quite an adventure that they will cherished ön the rest of their life,lifes too short isnt?and as long as were on the right track,not stepping into someones foot,co’z it will sure hurts!couldnt imagine a swollen foot, we all must enjoy it up to its utmost part!in what ever way we wanted,!!

