Racist , Criticism

Sweetheart’s note
3 min readFeb 12, 2014



From the different walks of life,this qualities been the most controversial,not only once,but so many times,we all can find it,even heard about it,as well as experiencing it..and through out curiosity,i really don't know why this qualities keeps on popping out..As in demanding to pop out..when every little things are running smoothly,and all are getting some nice friendship this two will just take its place to ruined everything..I really come to wonder why !!..but there sometimes you really have to do such a things because you wanted to help them,fix every wrong side of them..well that's the good side of this ,and their calling it constructive criticism..next sometimes,this two were also a part of money making trick,most especially when you're on politics,entertainment world,the more attention their getting,the more money their going to have..

I’am often a part of this two, i mean the victim of this.The kind of life that iam having, up to the part of doing what i love to do. This two were often on my way to ruined things out..At first i really was fool hardly .. trying my best to understand the things that their really trying to do .. but in the end i just bid good bye from being a fool hardly .. It was quite hard conquering this two but through prayers .. little by little iam getting over it…I even get caught on trauma trying to evade my self on public thinking that there's something wrong with me that's why they keeps on ruining my life!!I even tend to think a lot of times if i have done something wrong .. but when i get over it .. i really have nothing to do with anyone.. maybe iam different in the way that iam doing all the things that i really enjoyed the most ,despite of the poor life that iam having

Well conquering this two is sometimes a hard thing to do , most especially if they really having fun on your life, just in my way of thinking here are some possible solution:

  1. Accept who you are inside and out,every insufficiency that your having , so that when they started .. you already knew where to stand yourself ,
  2. Who the hell cares if they don't like the way you look, they don't want to speak with you.. you might not be needing them.. the most important persons are already beside you and that's your family

3. Last! do your thing.. but of course make sure to never step onto someones foot no matter what, because for sure it will going to hurt so much!! ouch!! unless your on the right track to defend yourself…

Iam not expert on this , but this were all based on my personal experiences , quite hard to accept at first but sooner or later it will going to make you a better person !!

(Just for laughs☺)

Times that this wont work.. punch them on the face!!for them to remember that you dont deserve to be treated just like that ….well i have done that a lot of times!! ooops just on my imagination!!!

