That Day, when Ive put the world on my hand…..

Literary.. the long and unwinding history for the world files that i had simply created….

Sweetheart’s note


That day When ive put the world on my hand!

April 25, 2014 at 9:13pm

Quite stressful day,but it is getting okay,seeing some of the most beautiful sceneries from around the world,even just online,somehow by just looking on it, it had become already my stress reliever,well every time someone recognize the file that i have made ,their really widening their eyes and just asking “how did u do all of these”,sometimes when i tend seeing all of those online stuff im wondering too what the hell things came into my mind, the only thing i remember is im really dreaming of a European cruise,maybe due to my imagination,desperation ,plus nasty joke of some friends,i just woke up one day ,one by one im travelling online!!even without my own personal computer,and im just renting most of the time on some internet cafe,blessing in disguise by those time ive got three jobs,one with the factory,next selling some goodies,like bags,slipper,plus selling some herbal coffee,so throwing some money on the internet cafe,would just became a simple pleasure,instead of a teary pocket!!then idont know from there a very long encounter will start,up to this moment,while jotting down the story of the world files,for some who will or might going to put their interests reading the story,they might predict that iam telling a lie,or maybe iam doing this for publicity but who cares!iam not asking them to believe on me,its up for them to weigh everything… The day when i started to put everything into my hand,surprisingly a magic has started ,but hey im literally speaking i mean writing because im writing it,..the world files that i have created not just a metaphor,.. At first i cant get a courage enough of saying i started a magic with the world files,but hmm i really come to imagine it..,that it was me,but anyway i thought everything could be just for my self,i even plan some job opportunities for it ,and of course only for myself,then a rough road come into my way,when one day a dear friends says “o dear what your trying to impose was prohibited”u have to go and get ur self permitted with everything”then the magic,

The magic,the dream started to fade,and im scared too! at the same time thinking right of this moment i might get in jailed,for screwing with the world files,even right now hmm im not even sure if their really given me the permission,iam just considering it yes ,and despite of those im running it for 2 years,getting 2 years,im just a stubborn lady,with a wide and tough face.. But inside im really in tremble,!!at first i really thought of quitting and erasing everything,but when the magic had started,a potential opportunity,income ,started to rise also,well i really don't know all of this,some friends just keeps on recognizing,suggesting and analyzing everything, before i had this plan too but through selling of photo ,i thought i just can get the photo,gather them all and sell them to get an extra money,but theres all a copy right restriction!whew!and there it goes my aim started to rise!aside from dreaming of travelling around the world,a lifetime opportunity and income,started to open up too,and of course,it came from my very cute and loving hands,so who do you think should gonna go first of ‘course me!isnt! The very first thing that iam really longing to buy is a computer..either laptop or desktop just in case i nail an opportunity ..but unfortunately because of this too aside from the rough road,it was like ive been crucified too,those certain,rare,people who wanted to help me,or should i say been hypnotized by me,by my cuteness,craziness,!lolwere been decieve,and trick and of course,i was the one to blame,!crucified a lot! Those rare,opportunities,all slip and fade away!and theres even some trying to say that iam selfish,for not sharing,whew!well i just dont know if their blind ,about the publicity and opportunity,my aim is just quite simple, to get a lifetime job,a lifetime income,to help my self,my family, iam the only öne,if they wanted to help my family ,there's my mom and brother well iam not asking for it all,they could swallow 95%,see just a 5% for me would going to be enough..and i only don't know,

I only dönt know if i could start my future plans,because of the many consequences clinging,but for sure,i widened up my face once,i still could do more,lol!anyway im always open about it.. And just in my way of thinking i broadcast ed,and keeps on doing it ..whew!when it comes to my country,well i may be hypocrite saying id love to help them,but it was them who were often been like that,mostly people who believes on them were deceive,but i don't care,about them,well just on my way of thinking,even if its on my craziest way i keeps on doing my part as a responsible citizen somehow,demanding for more,common!im not a fucking millionaire or even a billionaire,to become a martyr to serve them my whole lifetime,excuse me!i keeps on widening up even toughening my face!eventhough iam in a shake,whew!only to get an opportunity!!and up to this moment ,all this still keeps on happening,the rough,crazy ,surprising,magical moment having this world file,but despite of all its negativity,theres the best part of it,first it keeps on bringing out all the best in me,the more,i widened up my face,the more im learning lol!the magical moment of enjoying the best things despite of my life condition,and of course the best thing of it all is helping the world !well up to this moment i still couldn't believe that it is starting to give a huge help onto some other country ,,iam,or should i say the world were just starting ,hoping that it will going to get even stronger,will build a deep and huge foundation,right now it was still a scratch,a trash for those who hate it,but i know even without me sooner or later they will continue my legacy!so sponsor,start to save ur dollars,now!whew!! lol!! for me , lol!! or for the files!!now im getting dramatic,hmm..the long,rough,magical,weird journey were just starting, That day when i put the world on my hand,literally…

for some further reading here is the file that iam talking about!!

