working with or without passion

Sweetheart’s note
3 min readJan 28, 2014


We all love to work that's for sure ! for the sake of living of course …some for our dreams , some because of it was a responsibility , while others goes because it was a must for pleasure !!and for those people who were born with a golden spoon on their mouth, it was just for them to stretch out !!some for learning a new stage of their life .. and most of the time it was on their side, the word the character .. that mostly they say is important PASSION,which simply means : a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something that is coming from your heart…

passion for work they say is a must to ensure a fulfillment, enjoyment in your work …because without it every little things will never fall into can never build a strong foundation in your desired field..sometimes passion can be nowhere to find when you really have to do things because you're obligated too . when every little things were already fallen apart ,and because it was simply your responsibility… so really have to strive even if its deep inside it was really never your type to do things so…

working without passion sometimes takes a lot of adjustment .. before you can fulfilled something .. most of the time iam often stuck in this situation.. working even if its not you're desired thing because you only have to do.. due to some responsive situation that i must full fill… i was born simply on a poor family so i really must try hard , try harder for us to survive … in what ever thing it takes … well it was really quite hard adjusting, but there's simply no choice… but to learn everything for you to simply enjoy the work …and unfortunately most of the time i really keeps on coming to the part of failure..

i didn't meant to do so because it was not my type , even if i had it mind that i must do it because i really needed to earn ,to ran for an errand for my family.. it was simply not working!(maybe because there's been a lot of bullies that keeps on bullying me , that's why iam not winning this non passion work thing!!) but seriously speaking , i mean writing maybe this kinda passion thing,is really the key for my success !!which im still in search for now ….( it was not funny isnt?, and but this passion goes a long run to earn big money!?)

but whether with passion or not ,still we all needed to survive.. to earn , to eat, to shop of course.. even paying for all our debts.. because that's simply our life… well wishing that our life is as simple as, we can all just pick around us every little and big things that we all need , so that everything's will become a lot easy!!what a life!! :-)

