Why You and I May Never Be Rich

If you are where I am now

Zikry Zhiwei
The Better Life


Photo by Pepe Reyes on Unsplash

Newly married, still in college and I’ve lost my drive to study anymore. All I want to do is to work and get paid.

It is easy to make money. All you have to do is do your job. You don’t even have to think; don’t screw up and you’ll get paid every month. You’ll have money to buy whatever you need and even save up to get the pair of sneakers you’ve always wanted or a Tesla. Eventually, there’ll be kids; you’ll be saving for their diapers and to pay for college.

Why do you want to be rich when you can already afford whatever you want with a full-time job?

Money is necessary, yet time is the limit.

I’m confident I won’t lose my job too easily. I work hard, I’m willing to put extra hours in to be better paid, and I’m willing to do more to be paid higher. But how many hours can I give my employer? I’d work 24/7 but my body probably won’t last very long. And living paycheck to paycheck, setting aside $1000 every month, and living on a budget every month? Surely there’s more to life than skimping on myself and tracking where my every penny went.

I want to live; to be free of being held back by my wallet.

