Better Decisions

Ian Mikutel
The Better Show Blog
3 min readJul 8, 2019

Everyone can benefit from making better decisions! On this episode of the podcast we explore a variety of methods for making better decisions. We reflect on big decisions we’ve made in the past and what we’ve learned along the way. We dive into tools that you can use in your day to day life and for those really big decisions.

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We hope you found this episode valuable and were able to take away a few helpful tips and a few new insights. We look forward to hearing about your experiences and wisdom on this topic.

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Here are some highlights from this episode:

  • How Pres. Obama & Elon Musk make decisions
  • Decisions frameworks for everything from choosing which city to live in to whether to have kids or not
  • How to discover your own values and why they should be the basis of your decisions making
  • and lots more!

Show Notes

  • 02:15 — How Pres. Obama prioritized his decision making
  • 04:40 — How your mood and environment can affect your decisions
  • 08:00 — Why we make bad decisions
  • 11:00 — Darren cheating at the lottery & chimpanzees caring about fairness :)
  • 16:00 — Darren, Ian & March share stories about big move decisions
  • 23:00 — The power of asking “Is this decision reversible?”
  • 26:00 — March talks about the limits of pros and cons lists and how to change the frame of how you make decisions
  • 31:39 — Are there some decisions you can’t optimize for? How do we deal with decisions with more than one right answer?
  • 36:25 — Darren’s shares what he learned from Ray Dalio’s ‘Principles’ & Malcom Gladwell’s ‘Blink
  • 44:40 — Ian talks about how ‘first principles thinking’ has helped him make better decisions
  • 52:00 — Why you should use a decision making framework that aligns with your values rather than the ‘perfect’ decision
  • 54:00 — March explains the 3 possible outcomes framework and roleplays how to use it with Ian
  • 59:35 — Ian explains the clarifying questions framework — such as ‘What would it be like if it was easy?’
  • 1:05:00 — March explains the rational decision making framework and what it is and isn’t good for
  • 1:11:00 — The power of asking other people about their experience — March teases a future episode on mentorship
  • 1:13:00 — ‘What would you say to a friend?’ method of decision making
  • 1:15:00 — Experiments the guys are going to try and report back on


Episode Transcript

Coming soon.



Ian Mikutel
The Better Show Blog

Senior PM Lead, Ink & AI @Microsoft. Host of @TheBetterShow podcast. Investor in @ReadMeio (YC W15), @AmpleMeal, @SeeLaforge.