Better Microbiome

Ian Mikutel
The Better Show Blog
2 min readApr 15, 2019

While scientists are only scratching the surface of the microbiome it’s already clear that the 39 trillion micro-organisms living in your body have a profound affect on your health, your emotions and even your relationships. This week we explore the fascinating ecosystem that exists inside our bodies.

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We hope you found this episode valuable and were able to take away a few helpful tips and a few new insights. We look forward to hearing about your experiences and wisdom on this topic.

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Here are some highlights from this episode:

  • What is the microbiome?
  • What’s the microbiome relation to health?
  • Microbe vs cell myth
  • Tips & tricks to improve your microbiome
  • and lots more!

Show Notes

  • 2:27 — Why does the microbiome matter?
  • 11:56 — Examples of the impact of the microbiome
  • 21:38 — The HMP
  • 24:41 — The 10:1 myth
  • 27:50 — Measuring the microbiome
  • 43:07 — Fermented foods and the power of diversity in the microbiome
  • 47:22 — Tips & tricks for improving your microbiome
  • 1:05:10 — Babies and microbiomes
  • 1:08:02 — Watch this space, we’re at the infancy of our microbiome understanding
  • 1:09:02 — Future microbiome technology
  • 1:18:52 — Better Next Step and our experiments we’ll try & report back on in a future episode


Episode Transcript

Coming soon.



Ian Mikutel
The Better Show Blog

Senior PM Lead, Ink & AI @Microsoft. Host of @TheBetterShow podcast. Investor in @ReadMeio (YC W15), @AmpleMeal, @SeeLaforge.