What Kite-Flying Taught Me About Life

5 lessons learned in childhood that I can apply as an adult.

Shantanu Kulkarni
The Better You


As a kid growing up in India in the ’90s I had a lot of free time. There were no cell-phones back then and we had to step out of the house to meet our friends or do something fun or play. It is in the ’90s that I learned how to fly a kite. I did not know it at the time but that week-long experience was teaching me a lot about life during my adult years.

Here are five things I learned about life while learning to fly a kite!

1. Have a strong desire. Know what you want.

As a teenager, I used to see a lot of people around me fly kites with ease and they seemed to enjoy themselves. Wanting to fit in, as any teenager does, I suddenly had this burning desire of wanting to fly kites as well.

I wanted to look cool, just like all my other friends! This strong desire pushed me into seeking out the right people who would likely teach me the basics or at the very least tell me what to do to get started. Another lesson here is that your association plays a major role in the direction you choose in life.

Have a strong desire that will drive you to take action.



Shantanu Kulkarni
The Better You

Biomedical engineer with a deep interest in personal growth & branding. I write about reflection, self-development, and living your best life by growing daily.