Should Christian Tradition Determine Modern Faith?

A sociological exploration of the Christian creeds and how religious tradition should inform current faith.

Tyler Kleeberger
The Bible Archives


There is an illusion of singularity and oversimplified homogeneity within contemporary Christian identity that is adamantly assumed. Yet, such uniformity is a triumph of, at least, ignorance and, at worst, repression of the spectral diversity that undergirds all of Christian tradition.

This state of imagination is to be expected within the dominance of the religious juggernaut called Christianity within the global history of human civilization, however, investigation reveals divergent brushstrokes. Alas, Christianity is, quite possibly, an example of pointillism; a conglomerate of configured units that, from a distance, appear congealed but microscopically reveal a cornucopia of variance.

Whether Christianity’s enigmatic history proves to be a cohesive, singular painting is debatable. The more pressing question is whether or not the array of dispositions is constructive for Christianity’s continued existence.

How ought contemporary religious adherents relate to their tradition?

When one appreciates the sociological catalysts that led to such diversity within Christianity, the…



Tyler Kleeberger
The Bible Archives

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