Who is God?

Abbigail Gunter
The Bible: From a Teenage Perspective
2 min readDec 14, 2018

Belief in God, it’s the basis for the christian faith. He is the most important part of christianity and without him we are nothing. So who the heck is he? How do we know about him, and what he is like? What does this mean to us?

“in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” -Genesis 1:1

Everything, the world and all that are in it, begin with God. There was no beginning, there was only God. The bible tells us the story of God, his existence in the bible not defended but assumed. There should be no reason to defend something so clearly true. If you were to tell the story of how your dinner that night was splendid would you defend having ever eaten or would it just be assumed? The bible is set up a similar way. God is the one who created the very earth beneath our feet and specially created each and every one of us to be our own unique person. Why should his existence be denied?

“The Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his . hands. Day after day they pour fourth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. in the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.” -Psalm 19:1–4

It is talking about Gods creation, the proof of his existence. No words or sound yet their voice is heard by all. It’s talking about how we can see “God’s invisible Qualities” through his creation (Frazee). Haven’t you ever had a moment looking out at the world, maybe a beach or a forest, and thought it was the most beautiful thing? Maybe even gotten a bit emotional because of it? That was God. That was you noticing, understanding God power weather you realized it or not, you could feel his presence. He has proven himself to be most powerful already through his creation. When it comes down to it, we have no excuse to not believe in him.

God is God, the creator of heavens and earth. He is the one and only God, the messiah, and the father.


Frazee, Randy. Believe: Living the Story of the Bible to Become like Jesus. Zondervan, 2015.

The Bible. Oxford University Press, 2004.

