How to Live Wisely and Well: A Devotional Based on Proverbs 30

UnRepentant History
The Biblical Man
3 min readApr 30, 2023


Learn from the humble and honest wisdom of Agur, who trusted God’s word, asked for what he needed, observed the world around him, and avoided pride and evil.

Proverbs 30 is a collection of wise sayings from a man named Agur. He was a humble and honest man who recognized his need for God’s wisdom and guidance in his life. He didn’t pretend to know everything or have all the answers. He knew that only God had the ultimate knowledge and power over everything. He trusted God’s word as his reliable source of truth and direction. He asked God for two things: to keep him from lying and to give him enough to live on, not too much or too little. He knew that both extremes could lead him astray from God and his purpose. He also observed the world around him and learned from the examples of good and evil people, as well as from the animals and nature. He admired the things that were majestic and mysterious, and he warned against the things that were wicked and destructive. He ended by advising the reader to avoid pride and evil plans, and to repent if they had done wrong.

This chapter challenges us as men and women to examine our hearts and lives in light of God’s wisdom and standards. Are we humble enough to admit our limitations and dependence on God, or are we arrogant enough to think we can do it all on our own? Are we faithful enough to trust and obey God’s word, or are we rebellious enough to twist it or ignore it? Are we content enough with what God provides for us, or are we greedy enough to want more or less than what we need? Are we respectful enough to honor our parents and others, or are we disrespectful enough to curse them or harm them? Are we grateful enough for what God has given us, or are we ungrateful enough to complain or covet more? Are we pure enough to live in fidelity with God and our spouse, or are we impure enough to indulge in lust or adultery? Are we responsible enough to use our power and influence for good, or are we irresponsible enough to abuse or exploit others? Are we wise enough to learn from the wisdom of creation, or are we foolish enough to disregard its lessons? Are we dignified enough to walk with grace and confidence, or are we undignified enough to strut with arrogance

and pride? Are we repentant enough when we sin, or are we defiant enough to justify ourselves?

This chapter also encourages us as men and women to look to God as our source of wisdom and strength. He is the one who knows everything, who controls everything, who created everything, and who reveals himself to us. His word is perfect, trustworthy, and life-giving. He is our shield and refuge in times of trouble. He gives us what we need for each day. He is the King of kings who leads his people with justice and mercy. He is the one who can forgive us, cleanse us, and restore us.

Let us pray:

Lord, thank you for your wisdom and your word. Help me to humble myself before you and acknowledge my need for you. Help me to trust and obey your word without adding or subtracting from it. Help me to be content with what you provide for me and not fall into the temptations of wealth or poverty. Help me to honor you and others with my words and actions. Help me to be grateful for your gifts and not greedy for more. Help me to live in purity

and fidelity with you and my spouse. Help me to use my power and influence for good

and not evil. Help me to learn from the wisdom of creation

and not ignore its lessons. Help me to walk with dignity

and grace

and not with arrogance

and pride. Help me to repent when I sin

and receive your forgiveness

and cleansing.

In Jesus’ name I pray.




UnRepentant History
The Biblical Man

UnRepentant History |Blog| Actionable and Challenging Historical Facts. And other musings