Woke Detox:The Wisdom of Experience

UnRepentant History
The Biblical Man
4 min readMay 1, 2023


Today, I want to share with you some insights I’ve gained from my life experiences. Experiences that have taught me a lot about wisdom.

You see, I’ve had the opportunity to meet and learn from many different kinds of people. People who have faced challenges and hardships that I can’t even imagine. People who have overcome obstacles and achieved success that I can only admire. People who have shown me what it means to live with courage and grace in a broken world.

But you know what? These people are not necessarily the ones you would expect. They are not the ones who have the most education or the most fame or the most wealth. They are not the ones who have the most followers or the most likes or the most views. They are not the ones who have the most influence or the most power or the most authority.

No, these people are the ones who have the most wisdom. Why? Because they know something that many of us don’t. They know that wisdom is not just about knowledge or intelligence or cleverness. Wisdom is about understanding how the world works, and how to live in it with skill and integrity. Wisdom is about fearing God and obeying his commands. Wisdom is about listening to instruction and accepting correction. Wisdom is about avoiding evil and pursuing good. Wisdom is about being humble and teachable and willing to learn from anyone and anything.

That’s what the book of Proverbs teaches us. It’s a collection of sayings and stories that reveal the wisdom of of God and his people. It’s a book that invites us to learn from the experiences of others, and to apply their lessons to our own lives. It’s a book that challenges us to grow in wisdom, and to share it with others.

For example, in chapter 1, we read about the importance of listening to our parents and teachers, and not following the crowd into trouble. We read about the consequences of rejecting wisdom and choosing foolishness. We read about the voice of wisdom that calls out to us in the streets, and urges us to pay attention and follow her ways.

Proverbs 1:7 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” This verse tells us that the foundation of wisdom is to respect and honor God, and to acknowledge his authority over our lives. It also tells us that the opposite of wisdom is to ignore or reject God’s guidance, and to rely on our own understanding or opinions.

So, how can we grow in wisdom? How can we learn from the experiences of others? How can we listen to the voice of wisdom? Here are some practical steps we can take:

Read the book of Proverbs regularly. It has 31 chapters, so you can read one chapter a day for a month. You will find many nuggets of wisdom that will enrich your life and help you make wise decisions.

Seek advice from godly people. Find mentors, friends, or counselors who have walked with God for a long time, and who have faced similar situations as you. Ask them for their perspective and input, and listen to their feedback with an open mind.

Pray for wisdom. James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” God is the source of all wisdom, and he wants to give it to us. All we have to do is ask him sincerely and humbly, and he will answer us.

Apply what you learn. Wisdom is not just about knowing facts or principles. Wisdom is about putting them into practice. Don’t just be a hearer of the word, but a doer of the word. Don’t just agree with wisdom, but act on it. Don’t just admire wisdom, but embody it.

I hope this devotional has inspired you to pursue wisdom in your life. I hope you will discover the joy and peace that comes from living according to God’s ways. I hope you will share your wisdom with others, and help them grow as well.

Remember, wisdom is not just for the smart or the successful or the famous. Wisdom is for everyone who fears God and seeks him with all their heart.

That’s the way I heard it.

Thank you for reading this devotional. I hope it has blessed you and challenged you to grow in wisdom. If you enjoyed it, please give it a clap and share it with your friends. And if you want to read more of my writings, please follow me on Medium. I post new devotionals every week, based on different books of the Bible. I would love to hear from you and connect with you. You can also find me on Twitter. Thank you for your support and encouragement. God bless you.



UnRepentant History
The Biblical Man

UnRepentant History |Blog| Actionable and Challenging Historical Facts. And other musings