“Look” is my new most-hated word

The Big Back Catalog
The Big Back Catalog
2 min readApr 17, 2018

My new most-hated word is “look.” If you are at all a news junkie or have been forced to become one in the Trump era of constant drama, then you, too, hear this word all the time.

It’s a favorite of Sarah Huckabee Sanders at her daily briefings. Stormy Daniel’s lawyer is also particularly fond of it as he makes the rounds of every news show that will praise his legal prowess. But they are just the tip of the talking heads iceberg where this simple, seemingly harmless word is concerned, and, that should make it clear that we are talking about a bi-partisan issue. And journalists are not exempt. Chris Matthews uses it when he wants to retake control of his panel.

“Look,” as the lead-in to whatever a television pontificator has to say, is ultimately a put down. Huckabee Sanders uses it when she wants to condescend to some lowly reporter and his or her stupid question. She’ll toss out another“Look” every time she needs to reload the barrels. But in the hands of anyone, the word is an overreach, an overurge, a shut-up-and-listen-and-I’ll tell-you-how-things-really-are. It is get-with-the-program-and-I’m-about-to-tell-you-what-the-program-is. And when you hear it, there’s a good chance someone is about to toss a shovelful of something very one-sided your way.

It’s funny, isn’t it? The “Now, see here” of 40s and 50s lingo sounds defensive, retreating, even though it says the same thing. “Look” is an assault on more senses than just sight.

We are in the Age of Ego, and “Look” is one of its billboards along the road. The way I see things is the only acceptable path.

Think back for a moment to how a child says, “Look, Mommy!” For young eyes discovering the many wonders of this world, saying “Look” and pointing is a way of seeking validation and praise, maybe for finding something pretty or special to share with a parent or friend. Adults have turned the word into a bludgeon.

Give me “Um” any day of the week. Even “Uh” seems less annoying than usual.

Unless we can figure out a way to turn repetitious uses of “Look” into a drinking game, please spare me from the word. Except on most days, I don’t really want to drink to an analysis of the news from that day. I want to drink because of it.

FOR YOUR PLAYLIST: Oasis — Don’t Look Back In Anger

IDEAL LISTENING: With its great sing-along chorus, hear this one while cooking in the kitchen, maybe just a simple omelet with fines herbes and a piece of homemade sourdough toast on a Saturday morning filled with possibility.



The Big Back Catalog
The Big Back Catalog

Bob & Billy’s Big Back Catalog look at the music of yesterday & yesteryear to squeeze extra quality miles out of songs that deserve to be on today’s playlists.