A three-part history that will keep you up nights


You better sit down for this one.

Since before the nation was founded, we have had deep-seated issues regarding race and religion. Today, those on the left fight for the continual expansion of citizens rights while those on the right work to reduce or remove those rights entirely. Many see the divide and wonder if we can ever be united, but it is my summation that before we can even discuss any chance of that happening we must look more deeply at why we are divided.

I think the answer lies in lies; a stack of lies that we as a nation have accepted and built our world upon.

I have written often about the history of this nation. I have also written many pieces about the current politics of this nation. And I have written about the Christian faith that millions in this nation follow.

In this three-part series, I will examine those three together to support my thesis:

The United States is today, and has been, divided into two distinctly different groups, each embracing a very different set of core beliefs. It is the application of the distorted and corrupt core beliefs by those on the right that continues that division, and without correction will lead to the ultimate destruction of this nation.

At the root of those distorted core beliefs is the foundational belief that the God of the Bible provided this land to European settlers to freely pursue their faith in Him, and gave to those settlers the land that now occupies this nation. What lies beneath that distorted principle is the basis of all distortions: the belief in the God of the Bible.

My thesis will examine how the right has based their entire belief system on:

  • the foundation that the God of the Bible exists;
  • that He granted certain people this land as a ‘promise;’
  • that He guaranteed all men ‘unalienable rights;’
  • that He inspired the establishment of the nation through the writing of the founding documents;
  • and that it is God Himself who wants those on the right to establish God as the head of this nation.

This thesis will also examine the continual practice by those on the right of these distorted beliefs, and the serious challenges associated with changing these deep-seated, generational core beliefs.

I have broken this down into three parts:

  • The BIG Lie discusses how those on the right easily fell for the lies of a con-man, and why those same people continue to believe lies today
  • The BIGGER Lie discusses the belief that our Founders were ‘inspired by God’ as they wrote the Constitution, and how that supports the BIG Lie
  • The BIGGEST Lie, which challenges the deepest belief most of us have — our faith in a creator — presents a deep look at the God of the Bible, and asks the reader to question if what they have been told since birth is true

The through-line here is that many in our midst today simply believe what they have been told, and they do so because it came from someone they were told to trust — in this case, a president. They believed the president because they were taught to trust in our nation’s leader, and trust in the government and its constitution, both of which they believe were inspired by God. And they believed that constitution itself was inspired by God, so it was trustworthy. Finally, they believed in the God of the Bible, because that is what they have always been taught, and have never questioned those beliefs.

What may be the root cause of so many of our issues at hand is that their entire distorted belief system — their belief in the leaders, the government, and the god — could all very well be based on lies.

What today’s believers on the right then believe, in fact — everything they believe — may be phony, faked, or falsified.

I will expose the ‘alternate facts’ the right has held on to for centuries, and how their distorted core beliefs continue to set us against each other today.

This is your last chance; after this, there is no turning back.

You take the Blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. (click on the image)

You take the Red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. (click on the image)

© Timothy J. Sabo 2022 All Rights Reserved

