What we’ve done with you in 2021 (part 1)

The Big Exchange
Published in
4 min readDec 10, 2021

As we come to the end of the 2021 and the countdown to a new year begins, we wanted to give you our own Big Exchange recap.

Firstly, we are going to give you some quick fire stats on the investments available on The Big Exchange: their performance, their impact, and more!

In 2021, our ready-made, risk rated bundles returned 11%, 15.4%, and 24% respectively *

Each bundle gives you a selection of individual funds that are made up of the whole selection of rated funds available on The Big Exchange.

Our investment committee have grouped them together to give you an estimated risk at a point in time:

Cautious: 50% fixed income and 50% equities.

Balanced: 25% fixed income 75% equities.

Adventurous: 100% equities.

As the % of equities increases the risk of the funds do too. The more risk taken, the more opportunity for potential gain and also potential loss.

Equity funds on The Big Exchange in 2021 have performed better than bond funds *

In a turbulent year for everyone, the majority of funds on The Big Exchange provided a positive return. It’s not perfect, but that is a great reason to remind you why it is important not to put all your eggs in one basket. It’s why we put together bundles!

In an environment where inflation is increasing and interest rates are low, putting your money to work by investing it could help stop the value of your savings getting eaten away in a regular savings account.

It’s worth remembering that in an investment account you could end up with less than what you started with, which isn’t the case (usually) with a bank account.

65% of all the funds on The Big Exchange are beating their long term benchmarks*

When you invest, making money isn’t a sure thing and neither is beating the market. We’re pleased to see the majority of the funds on The Big Exchange have through 2021.

Showing that you don’t necessarily have to sacrifice financial return to make a positive impact on people and the planet.

A benchmark for a fund is made up of a comparable group of investments against which the fund is tracked. The idea is to show how well the fund (and therefore the investments and the strategy the team follow) is comparing to a similar alternative.

We have analysed, re-assessed, and awarded medals to 56 funds since January 2021

There is growing recognition that greenwashing is becoming a serious issue in our industry and we think so too.

Our methodology puts funds to the test before you get access to them. Only funds that get through the test can earn a medal. That way you can see more of the substance and less of the marketing.

Source for data: FE Analytics via Square Mile Investment Consulting and Research. Information is accurate as at November 30th 2021 unless stated otherwise.

We hope you enjoyed the first of our 2021 summary and we thank you for your support in our first full year. There is much more to come!

Next week you can hear more from us on some of our big milestones we have achieved with you over the year and how we’ve been recognised.

*Past performance does not guarantee future returns and when investing your capital is at risk

Follow The Big Exchange on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook. Please remember that when investing, making money is not guaranteed and your capital is at risk. The value of your fund can go down as well as up. Tax treatment depends on an individual’s circumstances and may be subject to change.

The Big Exchange (TBF) Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Big Exchange Limited. The Big Exchange (TBF) Limited is an Appointed Representative of Resolution Compliance Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 574048). (6606)



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