A Money Diary: June 29

Meghan Nesmith
The Billfold
Published in
1 min readJun 30, 2016

Or, Seeing the World Through Mint-Colored Glasses.

Dushanbe Tea House

Man, you guys sure do love Mint. Nicole Dieker herself even crowned them her favourite personal finance software. I get it, guys. This month has convinced me that I do need some kind of tracking, and that I am best suited for the path of least resistance. If Mint really will do it all for me and somehow make me a millionaire in the process, I guess I’ll finally look at all those emails I delete immediately upon receipt.

In the meantime, a couple more days of old-fashioned tracking. Yesterday we flew back to Toronto from Colorado, after a 2-hour delay because some disgruntled British Airways employee TURNED OFF THE POWER TO OUR PLANE because he felt we were lingering too long at the gate. He just turned off our plane! We had to get an airport security escort down the runway. It was quite the event.

I spent: $30.61 on lunch for two at the Dushanbe Teahouse (I brought my leftovers for plane dinner); $2.48 on tea at the airport; and $11.30 on two airport train tickets. Daily total: $44.39.



Meghan Nesmith
The Billfold

Boston-based writer. Would like to join your bookclub.