Monday Check-In

Nicole Dieker
The Billfold
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2017
Photo credit: Apple and Pear Australia Ltd, CC BY 2.0.

Happy Monday! It’s time to check in and see how we did on our weekend spending.

This weekend, I estimated that I would spend $80 on groceries and I spent $56.09. (I also wanted to buy peaches, but all the Safeway peaches were rock-hard. I got Gala apples instead.)

I estimated that I would spend $8.75 on three loads of laundry, and I spent $8.75.

My sister asked me what time my train was arriving for this trip I’m taking in two weeks, and I figured “I don’t know, I haven’t bought my ticket yet” wasn’t a good answer, so I paid $37.70 to get the extra Amtrak Guest Rewards points necessary to buy an Amtrak ticket that would have otherwise cost $69.

And then I taught my “Art of Interviewing” class at Hugo House, and last Friday I swore up and down that I would not take a Lyft and would instead take the 75-minute bus trip both ways, but… I needed to print some class materials at the FedEx before taking the bus, so I walked to the FedEx and learned that it didn’t open until noon. My class was at 1, which meant I had to wait for the FedEx to open, spend $12.89 to print the worksheets we were going to use in class, and then spend $22.11 on the Lyft to get me to class on time.

I did take the bus back, though.

Total spending: $137.54.

How about you?



Nicole Dieker
The Billfold

Freelance writer at Vox, Bankrate, Haven Life, & more. Author of The Biographies of Ordinary People.