Show Us Your Grocery Receipts, Part Six: Wegmans

Nicole Dieker
The Billfold
Published in
3 min readMar 18, 2016

This week, let’s look at a grocery receipt from a Billfolder with a partner and a young child. She lives in Ithaca, NY, and gave us the following analysis:

I have a family of three — my husband, myself and a 4-year-old child. For dinner, I try to cook simple dinners that require minimal skill and aim for “real food” ingredients as much as I can push myself to do so. My husband and I work full time and always bring lunches from home, and my kid is fed lunch at preschool (thank goodness). Breakfast is pretty basic.


This receipt (plus approx $12 of spaghetti noodles, frozen tortellini and pesto I already had at home) produced five complete dinners for all of us:

  1. Tortellini with roasted squash/zucchini and pesto
  2. Pan-fried fish with rice and broccoli (the fish was kind of expensive…)
  3. Chicken parmesan with spaghetti and tomato sauce
  4. Roasted chicken drumsticks with sweet potatoes and green beans
  5. Tacos

I’m planning on serving leftovers one night, and I bought frozen fish sticks, peas, and boxed (but organic!) macaroni and cheese for the another night when we’re having a babysitter over and I need something quick and easy that I know he’ll eat. (I bought two extra boxes of macaroni and cheese to stock up my pantry.)



I bought deli sliced ham, cheese, lettuce and bread plus grapes for lunches, though sometimes I take dinner leftovers instead.



I bought yogurt, eggs, bagels, doughnuts, plus bananas and walnuts (to make banana-walnut pancakes) for this week’s breakfasts.



I’m spending WAY too much money on drinks. On here I have:

  • 2 gallons of orange juice
  • 2 gallons of milk (we, uh, drink a lot of milk)
  • 2 six-packs of those small cans of Dr Pepper
  • 1 six-pack of root beer
  • 1 six-pack of regular beer
  • Coffee grounds

Usually, I buy orange juice and milk each week, sometimes coffee; this trip brought together a perfect storm of also stocking up on beer and enough soda to last me several weeks.

TOTAL COST FOR DRINKS: $41.65 (holy smokes)


In the miscellaneous category, I have chocolate chips to bake cookies, cheap headache pills, and an $8 children’s book that was added at the check out aisle when my kid grabbed it and smeared his filthy fingers all over the pages. I had to buy it; there were too many witnesses.

TOTAL MISC COSTS (also including tax and bottle deposits): $19.76

GRAND TOTAL: $160.54

This covers 88 percent of everything we will eat this entire week when you exclude the 5 lunches my kid eats at school and dinner plans out of the house for my husband and me on one night.

I usually budget about $125-$140/week for groceries, so this week was a little high.

Previously: Show Us Your Grocery Receipts, Part Five: Peapod, Harris Teeter, Fred Meyer



Nicole Dieker
The Billfold

Freelance writer at Vox, Bankrate, Haven Life, & more. Author of The Biographies of Ordinary People.