Show Us Your Grocery Receipts, Part Eleven: Trader Joe’s and Aldi

Nicole Dieker
The Billfold
Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2016
Photo credit: Mike Mozart: Trader Joe’s (cropped), Aldi. CC BY 2.0.

Last week I noted that the three most common grocery stores in my pile of Billfolder-submitted receipts were Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, and Aldi.

So far, we’ve seen Trader Joe’s receipts appear in Parts One, Two, Four, and Eight. Here’s the one receipt that hasn’t yet made it into a roundup:

Receipt 1: Trader Joe’s in Fort Lauderdale:

This Billfolder writes:

I don’t have a lot of comments about it; maybe just that I don’t usually buy meat or dairy, I LOVE cauliflower rice… and that I’ve been buying a lot of frozen meals to bring to work with me for lunches. I live in Fort Lauderdale, FL, for your price analysis.

I should get on the whole cauliflower rice thing. (I am one of the few people who loves boiled cauliflower and “mashed potatoes but they’re secretly mashed cauliflower,” so I bet I would love riced cauliflower.)

On to Aldi, which has previously appeared in Parts Two and Eight:

Receipt 2: Aldi in Central Pennsylvania

A Billfolder in Central Pennsylvania writes:

I’ve attached my grocery receipt for this week — my boyfriend and I alternate buying groceries and this week was my turn. We usually spend between $40 — $50 per week and make most of our meals at home. This week, we have a chicken/broccoli/pepper stir fry (all from last week’s ingredients… my BF had a stomach bug so we didn’t eat through everything last week), tacos, vegetable soup, and chicken lettuce wraps.

We always buy milk (either 2% or whole milk) and a few different meat products. Prior to living together, I was on a mostly vegetarian diet because meat is expensive and cooking elaborate meals for one person is kind of annoying.

Fortunately, we live in an inexpensive area, are totally okay with generic goods from Aldi, and approach cooking more as a hobby, not a chore. So our monthly food expenses are pretty fixed!

Receipt 3: Aldi in Woodbridge, NJ

This New Jersey Billfolder sent in one of my very favorite receipt-related emails:

The magic of ALDI representing.

Check out the bargains on my receipt.

I think there are only 2 items over $4.

Don’t get me wrong, I still splurge on things at fancy things in other grocery stores, but this is place is easy on the wallet.

So on a week you’ve overdone it buying shoes, you can at least lower your grocery budget.

I wish there was an Aldi near me. Or a Trader Joe’s. (No, the one on 14th and Ballard Way doesn’t count as “near me.”) Then I could buy all the shoes and cauliflower rice I wanted!

Previously: Show Us Your Grocery Receipts, Part Ten: Let’s Examine My Most Recent Receipt



Nicole Dieker
The Billfold

Freelance writer at Vox, Bankrate, Haven Life, & more. Author of The Biographies of Ordinary People.