The Insurance Question I’m Still Not Sure I’ve Answered Correctly

Ester Bloom
The Billfold
Published in
2 min readJan 8, 2016
Cedar Rapids

When Ben suggested we get life insurance, I balked. Couldn’t we just take the money we would spend on a policy and save it, instead of paying a monthly fee to a company for an eventual, theoretical payout we may never — hopefully will never — need?

Ben won the argument, although since that happened more than six months ago now, I honestly can’t remember the conversation-ending logic. Being responsible parents entered into it, sure. There must have been something else too though. Something that broke through my knee-jerk resistance. Maybe being $30 poorer each month has made me stupider, because I cannot recall.

In any event, I agreed to go Term, not Whole, for coverage until the kid(s) hit roughly eighteen. Because I am, sigh, a Millennial, I turned to the Internets first and found Efinancial, a site that sifts through various policies and hooks you up with the best option for you.

A nice man named Bryan arranged for an in-home health check up by a medical examiner. Although he was good about reminding me in advance, and although I set up various reminders for myself via Google calendars, I still managed to be caught off-guard when the doorbell rang early one weekday morning. The toddler was half-dressed, the husband barely showered, and I didn’t have even have a bra on yet.

I apologized profusely to everyone for the chaotic state of things: the toddler, the husband, and the medical examiner, who turned out to be a Hasidic Jewish man from deepest Brooklyn. Needless to say, my blood pressure was a lot higher when he first took it than it was when he took it again an hour later. (“I must have a calming effect on you,” he said.)

The examiner administered a battery of tests, the priorities of which seemed pretty bizarre. He asked me if I smoked over and over again but never asked if I go to the gym. He wanted to know what I weighed but showed no curiosity about what I eat.

So it goes. My blood, blood pressure, weight and I all passed the test(s) and qualified for relatively affordable Term Life Insurance from TransAmerica: $30 a month for a 15 year plan valued at $850,000.

Frankly, the whole thing still feels like kind of a racket to me, and I don’t have a lot of confidence that I’ve made the best decision. $30 a month has not bought me peace of mind. But I suppose it is comforting to know that if something should happen to me, Ben, as a widower and single parent of two, won’t have to add immediate destitution to his list of concerns.

How have you approached, or solved, this problem?



Ester Bloom
The Billfold

Senior Editor, CNBC; former editor @thebillfold; contributing writer @theAtlantic