Your No-Fail Guide to Delivery Tipping

Meghan Nesmith
The Billfold
Published in
1 min readJun 27, 2016

I’ll be ordering in tonight — enjoying some of Boulder’s finest delivery while watching the Game of Thrones finale. As such, this breakdown in Taste Talks of the various levels of misery inflicted on delivery humans in New York City was excruciatingly timely.

Give it a read, and pay extra attention to the extremely helpful tipping guide at the end of the piece. Here’s a sample:

1. 18% to 20% of your bill is a standard tip, with a $4 minimum (whichever is higher). For other delivery services (think boxed groceries, meal-kits, booze, etc…) a standard tip is $3 minimum.Always tip more in bad weather.

Hear that, monsters? Pony up. And while you’re at it, remember that it isn’t only the quality of life of your delivery human you should be concerned about, but the ethical practices of the service as well.




Meghan Nesmith
The Billfold

Boston-based writer. Would like to join your bookclub.