Looking Forward

stay trying.
The Bioinformatics Press
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1 min readDec 31, 2017

It’s that time of the year for hot chocolate, staying indoors, and reflecting on the past 365 days to make way for a new year. It is in these last moments of the year where we can sit and ponder our past achievements, challenges, our passions, and the unclear but exciting future.

The Bioinformatics Press’ goal is to inform, educate, and explore the new, riveting ideas that combine computer science and healthcare. We are new, but we are growing. And we plan to sustain the growth through consistent publishing and passion for the field.

We encourage writers to write for us, readers to clap, and for everyone to be enriched with these pieces.

Thank you for reading and sharing the writings in The Bioinformatics Press. We appreciate your gratitude and stay tuned for the exciting innovations that will fill 2018.



stay trying.
The Bioinformatics Press

My life and brain in word-form ~||~ Views expressed are my own