5 predictions about the cryptocurrency market — briefly about what it will bring us in the upcoming years.

Kamil Jarzombek
The Birb Nest
Published in
8 min readDec 19, 2018

The year 2018 is slowly coming to an end. Honestly, I find it hard to believe. I have no idea how the days have escaped me. I noticed that the older I am, the faster time passes. But enough moaning and complaining. Let’s get to the details.

If I had asked you, a person involved for some time in the cryptocurrency market: What words would you use to summarize the year in? it probably would not be a positive description. Many of us have ridden the market like we have the best rollercoaster. Which is a pleasant feeling of excitement on the way up but instantly transports you into anxiety on the fall down.

Despite the introduction suggesting that it will be a post about summarizing the most important market events, I would like to take you on a journey into the future. I will share with you five predictions about the cryptocurrency market in the upcoming years. Information, speculations, predictions, and hidden investment tips (of course I’m not an adviser) that will be based on my current knowledge, which I try to expand on a daily basis. Therefore, if you are ready, fasten your seatbelts and let yourselves be carried away into a whirling whirlpool. Here we go!

1. Cryptocurrencies will become a standard form of investment for the younger generation

I do not know if you will agree with me, but I think that the stock exchange, forex has become boring for the younger society, people of our age (~ 25 years). Personally, I do not know too many people from my group that actively invested in any markets before the cryptocurrency boom.

Polish stock exchange — boredom,

Investment funds — it’s for old people,

Forex — I heard something, but too complicated.

After 2017, I can count, count and count, and so I will not mention all the people from my close neighborhood financially involved in the cryptocurrency market.

The financial history of the world shows that the largest companies managing the capital of investors are even “turned on” to new opportunities to push financial products for a specific commission. What do you think these companies will sell to their clients in the coming years? Why are we at the moment seeing huge acquisitions, investments by market giants such as Fidelity or ICE? These companies are building solid foundations for a new financial product which will be cryptocurrencies. As the “young generation” accustomed to the crypto, we have built a strong community, I am spreading it right and left about the possibilities offered by investment in this market, the giants of the market are only rubbing their hands.

In 5 years your phone will ring. In the background you will hear a buzz, other phone ringtones, conversations, shouts and a exquisite, energetic Gentleman will make you drool and sell you a new, fast-paced cryptocurrency that just went public.

2. Security tokens will become the new, enormous boom

I know, I already know I’m tedious, because I write and talk about it. However, in my opinion this is the next stage of the financial market revolution. We will be witnessing returns on investments comparable to Bitcoin and Etcher. We will experience the bubble at which what was happening in 2017 is just fun for the girls. All we need to make this whole machine move are favourable regulations. The time when security tokens will be available to everyone around the world is the time when your Ledger should swell from interesting companies tokenized by the blockchain. Platforms such as Neufund will become NASDAQ 2.0, in which you can now buy shares for a song, and CAN turn out to be an investment that will change your entire life forever. Will this happen? I’m ready for this moment and I hope that most people from the Security Token Polska group will be as well.

3. Most utility tokens will lose their value forever. Only those that will survive …

Well, which will survive? I talk a lot about the economic, fundamental value of every coin. Looking through the coinmarketcap today I have a huge problem in finding value in tokens. However, I noticed that a new, very good trend for investors is being created. More and more companies are adding additional functionalities to their utility tokens. Why is this happening? In my opinion, this is primarily due to the community that is increasingly asking the right questions:

Q: What does this coin give me?

Q: What will I gain in the long term if I am a faithful holder?

Companies seeing what the community expects to add to their tokens of ownership, which not only give a specific value to long-term holders, it still does not become security, which would involve greater legal challenges. You may ask, What properties does it have and how do I look for them?. I will give some of them to you:

Airdrops (EOS),

Masternodes (TFOOD),

POS (TEZOS) etc.

I don’t even know how to express my happiness because of this. When we have bull market, nobody wonders what they are buying, it’s important that it grows. Bear market, lack of optimism is the period in which the community searches for real value. That is why, in my opinion, the current bear market is a salvation for the entire market. We will remember these times … positively.

4. A huge platform will be created connecting all the blockchains

Teeka from Palm Beach once described the AION project, which aims to connect all the blockchain and make the exchange of information between them work. The recommendation of this investment came out somehow in May and then we received a signal to buy AION up to 10 USD which is fun, because now it is 100x lower (0.11 USD). Never mind. I do not want to refer to the price, because at the moment the market is of little importance, but to the idea of ​​quick and easy exchange of information between the blockchains. For a long time I did not realize how important a platform with such functionality is for the success of the whole ecosystem of a distributed registry (blockchain). Throne, ICON, EOS, ETHEREUM, WAVES and many other platforms. Each of these cryptocurrencies builds its network effect by increasing the number of developers, the number of decentralized applications and new functionalities. Everything so far works separately. In my opinion, the next step in the evolution of the entire market is the platform combining all these projects. If this happens, it does not matter if you are designing something under Ethereum or maybe at Lisk. You work where you are more comfortable, and you get access to the whole community from all projects. So what? If AION would become such a project, maybe it is worth it to put some snapper into it and you know to wait, see and hold it in case it works out :)

5. Blockchain-based games will become the new boom on the gaming market.

I used to play Tibia. Looking at it from the perspective of time it can be said that I played a lot. What’s funny?… in Tibia I heard the term Bitcoin for the first time. The guy who told me about it mentioned that he was copying something on his computer. It was very early 2011, maybe even the end of 2010. I’m stupid, instead of getting interested, I wanted to beat virtual dragons in Venore and wait for the loot in the form of Royal Helmet — a tribute to those who know what’s going on.

Coming back to the subject, I remember how much rare items trade on Allegro was flourishing at that time. People “killed” themselves for virtual cash, or for very special items. Various tales of the best players were created in the Tibian group. Most of the people were going through their achievements, they were admired by virtual houses cluttered with shiny items.

Thanks to blockchain, we will unlock a completely new dimension of gaming. We give real value to virtual items. Blockchain will allow you to add a story to each item. Imagine a situation where every rare object has its history, no one can fake it and you know that spending 100,000 USD for magical shoes, in which the best player in the world defeated enormous monsters has a collector’s value. There will never be the same shoes with the same history. Blockchain in gaming will introduce a model of investment in virtual objects. Just as we are now buying gold, silver or cryptocurrencies because they are unique. Unique and impossible to imitate. The whole market based on the investment in virtual objects will be created for several years.

Probably your son, who in your opinion is wasting his time in front of a computer will become very rich. Do you know why? Because it will be on time. For him, investing in virtual objects will not be strange and he will use his chances accordingly. Do not snooze through another revolution. Famous krypto kittens valued at hundreds of thousands is just a taste of what will happen.


It is worth paying attention to platforms that strongly support blockchain designers of games. And what is …?

My little secret :)

Is it the end?

Taught by prior experience, I know that the longer the text the more you do not want to read it, so the next five predictions I leave for next time. I’m curious about your opinion. Do you agree with what I wrote? Do you see it differently? Be sure to let me know.

The Birb Nest publication is a facet of the CryptoBirb community. For more information please visit https://discord.gg/kUpraEH



Kamil Jarzombek
The Birb Nest

Neufund Community Member, Ethereum - Early Adopter & Investor.