ARO: Asset System Progress

The Birb Nest
Published in
2 min readFeb 28, 2019

I wrote a piece a short time ago, (here), detailing the core concepts and goals of Arionum. Central to the project’s long term viability is its asset system. Arionum supporters should be quite pleased with the progressed announced by their developers in their Discord channel earlier this week.

The ARO Asset System plan: An asset will have multiple units and will work as a sub-currency on the blockchain wallet. Its units will be transferable directly or sold for ARO directly on the blockchain (we will include a market option, probably only ASK) Only one asset will be possible to be created for an ARO wallet and its wallet becomes the asset wallet.

Upon creation, there will be the following options: — Supply — Inflatable units (with or without fixed aro price) — ARO balance distribution only as dividend (to all the holders of that asset) — Fixed unit price — Management fee and address for the management fee — Initial distribution to the management address — Automated monthly dividend distribution — Tradable asset or not

Example use cases:

1. Shared masternode ( an asset with a 10% management fee, 100 units of 1000 aro and automated distribution is created. The masternode is created using the 100k aro. All the rewards from the masternode are automatically distributed each month and cannot be otherwise touched)

2. DEX ( an asset with inflatable units representing an ARO pair is created. Ex: BTC-ARO . The asset creator buys X BTC and issues X BTC-ARO which he then puts for sale on the market. Once the supply has been bought, if the demand is not met, he can issue more units and put them on sale. If the offer is bigger than the demand, he buys and sells his btc stakes)

3. Scoreboard (non-tradable inflatable asset that can only be sent to other addresses)

4. New currency on the ARO blockchain ( Simpler alternative for ERC20 tokens with direct access to the DEX) …

The asset system will first be available on a public testnet for 1–2 months so everyone can test it and get used to it’s features. For any questions, please use the newly created channel #asset-system

Stay tuned to ARO as they make steady and diligent progress. In this marketplace, their is a lot to be said for a project that actually delivers on its milestones.

