Fetch AI: Binance Picks its Thoroughbred in the Race for AI Supremacy

The Birb Nest
Published in
5 min readFeb 25, 2019


The Artificial Intelligence, (AI) / Machine Learning (ML) blockchain-based project pool is getting deeper by the day, and not without reason. Though captivating a TED Talk audience with that opener would be a tough ask, the value of the underlying market is enough to bring even the most severe cases of ADD into crystallized fascination. PwC predicts that AI enabled data could contribute as much as, (ahem), $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. For a little perspective, this increase would account for roughly 26% growth in GDP locally, (with a handsome portion of that going to both the United States, and China). Regardless of where you stand on the possibility of an existential threat posed to humanity by an AI enabled doomsday scenario, given the economic implications, even Elon Musk can agree that AI is coming in a massive scale.

Plenty to go around

Considering the magnitude of the economic importance of AI, there will be plenty of winners to emerge. From a previous article, you may know that I am particularly bullish on Matrix AI Network, and their unique approach to smart contracts utilizing Intelligent…

