The Migration V2

Jeff Bird
The Birdhouse with Bird
2 min readMay 24, 2024



4 stories

In a cozy little mouse hole nestled in the corner of a grand kitchen, lived a curious mouse named Milo. Milo had a penchant for adventure and an insatiable love for cheese. One crisp morning, as the first rays of the sun filtered through the tiny cracks in the wall, Milo awoke with a start. His prized cheese, a chunk of rich, creamy cheddar he had painstakingly acquired, was missing. Panic surged through his tiny body as he scurried around his home, searching every nook and cranny, but the cheese was nowhere to be found.

Determined to retrieve his beloved snack, Milo ventured out of his hole and into the bustling kitchen. He darted past towering table legs and navigated a maze of cupboards and cabinets, all the while keeping his keen nose to the ground. The kitchen was a world of peril, with the looming presence of the family cat, Whiskers, and the occasional thunderous footfalls of the humans. Despite the dangers, Milo pressed on, driven by the tantalizing memory of his missing cheddar.

As the day wore on, Milo’s quest led him to the most unlikely of places — the human’s refrigerator. With a combination of nimble paws and clever thinking, he managed to sneak inside. There, nestled on a shelf among various food items, was his precious cheese, now part of a larger platter prepared for a party. With a triumphant squeak, Milo reclaimed his prize and made his way back to the safety of his hole. That night, as he savored the hard-won cheddar, Milo vowed to be more vigilant, cherishing the sweet taste of success and the thrill of his daring adventure.

