Swing and a…

Katherine McInnes
The Birds and the Tees
2 min readAug 4, 2020

For something that is supposed to be so consistent, a golf swing is a fickle friend

I am not sure if there is anything more frustrating than a golf swing. Even for the most experienced golfers, a golf swing can be the greatest of enemies. Why? Well there are a variety of reasons, but in general it comes down to the fact that consistently repeating a precise motion is a lot harder than it looks. Add in the need for modifications in response to weather, obstacles, and everything else that this game throws at players, it’s a miracle any of us have the patience to improve, let alone excel at this game.

My swing has evolved several times since I started playing, and in particular it has seen significant changes in the last year. Some of these changes were to simply correct bad habits that I had picked up (or never corrected in the first place). Others have been experiments in what works best for me. I mentioned in a previous post my experiment with motion in my leading leg. While the experiment helped to an extent, after watching video of myself I realized I had created a new problem: lifting my front heel in my backswing. Back to the practice net I go.

The reason golf is such a frustrating game is not only that reaching a level of consistency is hard, but knowing that you have a good swing inside you that just doesn’t seem to always want to show up. I am a competitive person, I know this, I acknowledge it, I try to not let it affect my sanity on the course; but knowing that I am capable of a solid swing and not being able to consistently deliver it drives me nuts. Worse, I know what I am doing wrong, I just have a hard time fixing it. It’s like my brain and my body are a moody couple who are giving each other the cold shoulder. There have been times when I take a swing and immediately think “wtf just happened?”

While it won’t fix my swing, I am excited that I am getting fitted for clubs this week! My clubs are way too long for me, and it has definitely had an impact on my ability to improve. Have you been fitted for clubs? Leave me a comment and let me know!

Until next time,



This story originally appeared on https://thebirdsandthetees.wordpress.com



Katherine McInnes
The Birds and the Tees

Data-driven creative spirit, marketer by trade, golfer and plant mom by chance.