Try the Tuesday Tip Vol 1.

Katherine McInnes
The Birds and the Tees
1 min readAug 31, 2020


Working on that upper body movement

This drill comes from Daisy-May Kelly. If you are in need of a coach, I highly recommend checking her out.

Focus Area: Upper Body Movement

What you need: Grab your 9 iron, 20 balls, and a tee

Where: This is a great drill for the range or your backyard if you have a practice net.

The drill: Press the tee into the ground so the ball is just slightly raised. Standing with your feet together, take your swing, focusing on what your upper body is doing. Hit all 20 balls, adjusting your upper body as needed.

My takeaways: I have a hard time getting a full rotation in my swing, which means my body comes around in my swing head of my hands, pushing the ball to the right. This drill takes my attention away from what my feet and weight are doing and forces me to focus on getting that clean rotation with my arms and body in sync, and solid ball contact. A few rounds of this and I already feel more like a golfer and less like a baby giraffe with limbs everywhere.

Give this drill a try and leave me a comment to let me know how it goes!

Want to connect with Daisy? Check the link →

Until next time,



This post originally appeared on The Birds and the Tees



Katherine McInnes
The Birds and the Tees

Data-driven creative spirit, marketer by trade, golfer and plant mom by chance.